Zhastar Alemi

The military-technical institute is created in 2009 and includes in its structure the best in Kazakhstan military chair, also chairs of physical training, vocational training and initial military preparation. The primary goal of Military-technical institute is preparation of highly skilled, Read more …


Message of the President of RK

The purpose of the meeting – explanation and discussion of the main provisions of the Message of the President of RK Nursultan Nazarbayev, “Socio- economic modernization – the main vector of development of Kazakhstan.” Students took an active part in Read more …


Step forward

Winter school for the first-year students KSTU «Step forward!» Winter school for the first-year students KSTU «Step forward » on the initiative of students union «Zhas Orda» «School leadership development and talents at youth» is annually held annually for the Read more …


«Paradise Autumn»

Карагандинский государственный технический университет г. Караганда, б. Мира, 56 Тел./факс: 56-88-01 E-mail: kargtu@kstu.kz www.kstu.kz Информационное сообщение 1 ноября 2012 года Уважаемые редакторы и журналисты! 7 ноября 2012 года, в 16.00 ч. во Двореце молодежи «Жастар Әлемі» Карагандинского Государственного Технического Университета Read more …


“Healthy nutrition”

Karaganda state technical university Karaganda, B.Mira, 56 Phone/fax: 56-88-01 E-mail: kargtu@kstu.kz www.kstu.kz Data message October 21, 2012 Dear editors and journalists! “Healthy nutrition” inter institute contest of stands is organized in order to implement health care development programme of the Read more …



October 20-21, 2012 in the first educational building of KSTU will be municipal debate tournament of Akim’s Cup of Karaganda. Debates – are clearly structured and specially organized public thoughts exchange between two sides on actual themes. This kind of Read more …
