ISM 2013

The XV International ISM Congress took place from September 16th to September 20th 2013 in Aachen, Germany. Delegates from more than 200 countries, including Kazakhstan, participated in this event. The delegation from the Republic of Kazakhstan consisted of KazNANS, D.Sc., Read more …


The planned schedule

Curator hours for first-year students on a theme «A role of the person of the President of Republic Kazakhstan In forming of the Kazakhstan patriotism »(1 semester) № the Name of curator hours Week of training 1 Constitution – the Read more …


THE PLANNED SCHEDULE Curator hours for first-year students on a theme «A role of the person of the President of Republic Kazakhstan In forming of the Kazakhstan patriotism »(1 semester) № the Name of curator hours Week of training 1 Read more …


Material base

  Educational material-technical base of the department is a collection of learning objects, material and technical means for provision of training of students on a speciality, and also to perform scientific research and training of scientific and pedagogical staff. Educational Read more …


The Plan of scientific and research work of the department «Geophysical methods of search and exploration of mineral deposits» in the 2013-2014 academic year Activity Deadlines Responsible head Marks of completion 1. Fulfillment of scientific research work 1.1 Higher school Read more …


Our active persons

Zakiyeva Elmira Vasilovna. Student of GPR-10-2 group. I took the active part in organization of events “Mr. Polytechnic University”, “Ms. Polytechnic University”. I participated in an exit concert to Karkaralinsk to Kasym Amanzholova’s devoted 100 anniversary, and also in concerts Read more …


Schedules supervisory hours

Calendar plan supervision hours for first-year students on the topic “The Republic of Kazakhstan in global politics” (2nd semester) № Name of Curatorial Training Hours Week 1 Role of the President of the NA Nazarbayev in the formation of foreign Read more …


Departments of the Mining Faculty

Currently, the Mining Institute training is conducted in seven manufacturing departments: The department of “Working out of mineral deposits” trains bachelors in the specialty “Mining” for the four trajectories (lines): – An open development of mineral deposits; – Underground mining; Read more …
