
Education and research activities in the department “Mining Machinery and Equipment” based on the best traditions of high school. In the department work11 full-time teachers, including 3 doctors of technical sciences, 3 PhD, 4 teachers and one assistant. During the Read more …


International cooperation

Mine surveying and geodesy department INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION The Department of “Mine Surveying and Geodesy” throughout its existence develops and builds up close international relations with related departments of Universities of different near and far abroad countries. The teaching staff of Read more …


List Facilitators

  List Facilitators Name Group Post Phone Урпекова Биганым Амангельдиевна ГМ-13-1 профорг 8-775-764-82-61 Рыженко Алексей Алексеевич ГМ-13-2 профорг 8-705-847-71-60 Әлменов Ботагөз Ардаққызы ГМ-12-1 профорг 8-705-260-19-33 Поддымников Сергей Игоревич ГМ-12-2 профорг 8-777-948-22-33 Мамбеталиев Мурагер Эрикович ГМ-11-1 профорг 8-700-926-61-81 Вишнякова Алена Олеговна Read more …


The best students

БЖД-13-2, curator Akimbekova N.N. 1. Abaeva Ayaulym 2. Baygozhina Saule 3. Linden Lyudmila 4. Mussina Elmira 5. Feofilov Ivan 6. Isakov Bekzhan БЖД-13-1, Curator Baytuganova M.O. Myrzahanova Әzel Zhұmanov Ulan Schaiken Guldana Tilemisova Assel Nabiyev Ayatollah Orazbek Duman Koshkarbaev Madi Nurmagambet Read more …


Material resources

In the course of training students study obligatory and elective disciplines from a cycle of  basic and profile disciplines. For studying of these disciplines on the department there is an educational and methodical literature for laboratory works term papers in Read more …


Our graduates

Mine surveying and geodesy department ALEKSANDR SERGEEV  (was born in 1962)  The general director of Coal department of “Borly” – Kazakhmys Corporation LLP branch He was born on July 14, 1962 in Mai-Ozek settlement of the Karaganda region. Finished secondary school Read more …



Schedule of the educational process The periods of control and watershed entering the results of full-time students № landmark control Сlassific period The term enter  ratings into a database AIS KSTU AUTUMN SEMESTER 1 02.09.13г.- 19.10.13г. 18.10.13г.-22.10.13г. II 21.10.13г.-07.12.13г. 06.12.13г.-10.12.13г Read more …


Open lesson

Planned schedule of model lessons and master classes of MS&G department of the fall 2013-2014 academic year   Model lessons № Name of teacher, position, academic degree Department Name of discipline The form (lect.,pract., labor,.semin.) Theme classes Course, group Date, Read more …
