Open Academies ICT Huawei at KTU

October 25, 2021 was the opening of the “Huawei ICT Academy of Karaganda Technical University”.

The opening was attended by: a representative of Huawei, deputy director for work with partners – Omirik Nursaya and a representative from KTU – executive director Isagulov A.Z.

After the red ribbon cutting ceremony, Omirserik Nursaya made a speech about Huawei and the prospects for mutual cooperation within the Huawei Academy. She also spoke about the employment opportunities for graduates of KTU, after certification at the academy and internships in enterprises of near and far abroad. Isagulov A.Z. in his speech emphasized that the university is ready to expand further cooperation, both in educational and scientific activities.

ICT Huawei Academy of Karaganda Technical University will teach students in the way of network technologies and cloud computing. After completing the courses, students will have the opportunity to pass a free certification exam in the HCIA “Routing & Switching”, HCIA “Datacom” and HCIA “Storage System” directions, and receive an international certificate valid in the Republic of Kazakhstan and other countries of the world.

Classes will be held in a special laboratory of the Huawei Academy, in room 402, building 4. The office is equipped with all the necessary hardware and software. The training will be carried out by certified Huawei instructors, senior teachers of the Department of Technologies and Communication Systems, Ulan Esenzholov and Nurbol Kaliaskarov.

The first Huawei Academy graduation is scheduled for December 2021. The training is attended by graduating groups of the specialty “Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications”.
