Personal data:
OLEG PAVLOVICH was born in Karaganda in the family of workers on August 6, 1956.
The citizen of Kazakhstan.
In 1978 he graduated from the Karaganda Polytechnic Institute with a qualification of mechanical engineer with a degree in «Mechanical engineering technology, metal cutting machines and tools». From December 1978 to 1985 he was an assistant at the department «Technology of Mechanical Engineering». From 1985 to 1989 he was a senior lecturer of the department «Technology of Mechanical Engineering». From 1989 to 1992, he was a post-graduate student at the department «Technology of Mechanical Engineering». From 1992 to 2002 he was a senior lecturer at the department «Technology of Mechanical Engineering».
In 2002 he successfully defended his thesis at Satpaev KazNTU with a major in 05.03.01 — Technologies and equipment for mechanical and physicotechnical processing on «Development and investigation of stabilizing regimes of mechano-galvanic treatment of mechanized supports rod. Since May 15, 2003 and up to the present time Oleg Muravyov is an associate professor at the department «Technology of Mechanical Engineering» of Karaganda State Technical University. During the work Muravyov O.P. published more than 140 scientific works and courebooks, 3 monographs, 1 textbook with the stamp «MES RK», and received 8 innovative patents of Kazakhstan.
In 2000, he took an advance training course in computer technology in KSTU.
In 2007, he was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor majoring in 05.02.00 — «Mechanical Engineering and Machine Building».
In 2008, he upgraded his qualification to confirm compliance with QMS on the basis of the JSC «NatEks».
In 2012, he underwent training in the technology of applying reinforcing and corrosion-resistant coatings to parts made of structural materials on the basis of the state enterprise «Hi-Tech park BNTU Polytechnic» (Minsk, Republic of Belarus).
In 2015, he upgraded his qualification in the program «Academic Activity in a University» at Nazarbayev University and the University of Pennsylvania (USA).
Scope of academic interests of Oleg Muravyov is surface plastic deformation of metals, quality assurance of surface of parts with nanocoatings, electrocontact treatment of hard-to-process materials, machining of metals by cutting.
In 2008-2015, he was a responsible executor of 6 government-funded research projects (grants of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan) with the amount of financing of over 180 million tenge.
At present he reads lectures for bachelor students in the disciplines: «Production technology», «Engineering technology», «System analysis», «Testing, control and safety of products», for Master\s students in the disciplines: «Planning and processing the experimental results», «Progressive methods of processing «,» Modern aspects of mechanical engineering development»,»Fundamentals of science», etc. He was a supervisor of 8 Master’s students of the degree program 6M071200″ Mechanical Engineering «.
He is a scientific supervisor of 6 Master’s students of the degree program 6M071200 «Mechanical Engineering».
Since October 2014 he is a deputy head of KSTU Office for the projects of GPIIR-2 (Government Program of Industrial Innovative Development). With his participation 2 new educational Master’s programs were developed within the framework of GPIIIR-2 and 2 scientific laboratories of the world standard were opened.
Director of the Department of Science. Holder of the title «The best teacher of the University 2015».
He has gratitude letters and certificates of merit from the rector of KSTU, akim of Karaganda city, akim of Karaganda region.
Contact details
Address: Karaganda, Bulvar Mira, 56, main building, room 235
Office phone: 8 (7212) 56-52-26
Mobile phone: 87055033892, 87009230327
E-mail: oleg_m56@mail.ru.