“National Agency for technological development” JSC (“NATD” JSC – subsidiary organization of “NMH Baiterek” JSC) launches a new program of grant funding of innovative projects, Kazpravda.kz reports. According to the Chairman of the Agency Marat Omarov, accepting applications for innovative grants will be held from 2 August to 2 October 2017 in paper or electronic format on the official website of NATD. “We conducted a re-engineering of business processes, and improved conditions for the issuance of grants. If you have previously provided 9 different types of grants, often unattractive for business and do not involve the release of finished products, now they are grouped in 3 types with a significant increase in limits of funding,” – Omarov said. According to new rules of granting for the technological development of existing enterprises grant amount is up to 70% of justified costs under a license agreement and (or) up to 50% of justified expenses for the purchase of equipment, in monetary terms, to 400 million KZT. The grant is aimed at increasing of the technological level of enterprises through the transfer of modern/advanced domestic and foreign technologies.
The amount of the innovation grant for technological development of industries makes up 70% of reasonable cost under a license agreement, up to 50% of justified expenses for the purchase of equipment and up to 85% of reasonable expenses for the costs of improvement of technological competence, in terms of money up to 500 million KZT. The grant is mainly aimed at the development of existing industries through transfer of advanced foreign technologies, practices, knowledge and skills. The amount of the grant on commercialization of technologies is up to 50% of the reasonable costs stated in monetary terms, up to 200 million KZT. The grant is aimed at introduction of results of scientific or technical activities in its own production. Innovative grants are issued on a gratuitous basis and on the principle of co-financing. Only in the period from 2011 to 2016, 328 contracts were signed in a total amount of 12.2 billion KZT, including 66 of the contracts in 2016 for the sum of 1,9 billion KZT. In general, the program of implementation of grant funding, noted in NATD, shows a positive socio-economic dynamics. According to the grantees, from 2014 to the 1st half of 2017 as a result of implementation of innovation grants, 2 773 job places were created, tax funds of more than 7.6 billion KZT were paid, products totaling more than 131,4 billion KZT were released.
Rules of granting of innovative grants can be downloaded: http://natd.gov.kz/ru/granty/
- Advanced technologies in the mining and metallurgical complex
- Progressive technologies of search, extraction, transportation and processing of mineral and hydrocarbon raw materials
- Advanced technology in agriculture
- Progressive engineering technologies, including the use of new materials
- Alternative energy, renewable energy
- Information and communication technologies
- Biotechnology
- Progressive technologies of chemical and petrochemical industries
- Energy efficiency technologies
- Advanced technology in the furniture and woodworking industry
- Progressive technologies in light industry
- Advanced technologies in construction, including the use of new materials
- Advanced technology in the packaging industry
- Robotics
- Nano and space technology
- Energy