“Modern state and prospects of development of science and education”

Kokshetau state University named  after  Sh.Ualikhanov  on November 25, 2014 holds in Kokshetau  Intercollegiate extramural scientific-practical conference

“Modern state and prospects of  development of  science and education” dedicated to the memory of  the  Honored  worker of  education of  the Republic of Kazakhstan, doctor of  pedagogical Sciences, Professor  A.K. Aitkozhin.

The aim of the conference is to discuss the relevant  theoretical and practical problems of economic development, education, science, mathematics, natural and technical Sciences.

At the conference there will be the following thematic sections:

1.Economics and management

2.Education and science

3.Information technology and applied mathematics

4.Natural and technical Sciences

The conference proceedings will be published in scientific journals:

The publication of the proceedings is made with the awarding of the international index ISBN, UDC, BBK.

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