Minutes No. 8 dated 29/11/2022

Participated members of the Board of Directors:

Yergaliyev Kuanysh Asylkhanovich,

Ibatov Marat Kenessovich,

Omarkhanov Gabit Telmanovich

Uteshova Anar Abitayevna

Kenzhin Bolat Mauletovich

Bondarenko Alexander Sergeyevich


  1. On approval of the semi-annual clarification of the Development Plan of Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University NJSC for 2020-2024 in the second half of 2022.

Speaker: Abiltussupova Aigul Khamzeyevna,

Chief Accountant.

  1. On approval of the annual clarification of the Development Plan of of Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University NJSC for 2020-2024 in 2023.

Speaker: Abiltussupova Aigul Khamzeyevna,

Chief Accountant.

  1. On approval of the amount of payment for the services of an audit organization for the audit of the financial statements of Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University NJSC for 2022.

Speaker: Abiltussupova Aigul Khamzeyevna,

Chief Accountant.

  1. On approval of the evaluation of implementing the Development Plan of of Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University NJSC for 2020-2024 in 2021.

Speaker: Zhetessova Gulnara Santayevna,

Director of Strategic Development.

  1. On election of members of the Board: the member of the Board – Vice-rector for Research and the member of the Board – Vice-rector for Educational Work.