“Three minutes of theses”
among students of Ivanovo state power engineering University (Ivanovo, Russia),
Belarusian state University (Minsk, Belarus),
Karaganda technical University (Karaganda, Kazakhstan)
Within the framework of international cooperation and implementation of the educational project “development of a strategic approach: quality management of the educational process and methods of teaching languages in a technical University”, an international competition “3MT” was held in December 2020 among students of three universities: Ivanovo state energy University (Ivanovo, Russia), Belarusian state University (Minsk, Belarus), Karaganda technical University (Karaganda, Kazakhstan).
The contest was organized by:
* Department of Russian language and culture.;
* Department of intensive study of English, Russian and French languages of IGEU and BSU.
14 students of the University took part in the international competition with project works in Russian and English.
The expert Commission from among the faculty of Kartu, IGEU and BSU conducted work on the evaluation of competitive works, during which the following students of Kartu became the winners of the competition:
The diploma of 1 degree – Jasybekov anel (Met-20-1) with the project “effects of heavy metals on the environment” and Bryanveloso Dlns (BT-20-1) with the project “the Impact of spiritual qualities for personal fulfillment»;
Diploma of the 2nd degree – zhumatova Aruzhan (Met-20-1) with the project “the Role of self-development in the process of personal life” and Abatova Nazken (Met-20-1) with the project ” Adaptive human qualities and their impact on life»;
Diploma of the 3rd degree-Abdybekova ASEM (e-20-1) with the project “we are in a Hurry to do good”.
In the nomination” Admiration prize”, the work Of bulanbayeva Ayaulym (Met-20-1) with the theme of the project”personality Qualities that determine the effectiveness of professional activity” was highlighted.
In the nomination “The Most Patriotic Speech”, the work of Klieva Asemgul (BT-20-1) on the topic “Environmental problems of the Karaganda region and ways to solve them”was highlighted.
In the nomination “the Best Social Project”, the best work of Ertayeva Alu (BT-20-1) on the topic “Solving the phenomenon of loneliness in modern society”was awarded.
In the nomination “the Best Women’s Advocate” – the work Of andamasova Ainur (BT-20-1) on the topic “the Impact of social problems on the lives of women in modern society”.
In the nomination “the Best practical approach”, the work of Zhasimova Aibanu (ST-20-1) on the theme “reulot’s Triangle. Mechanism of operation”.
Among the competitive works in English, prizes are also allocated:
Diploma of the 1st degree-Turar Alikhan (is-20-1) with the project “Pythagorean theorem”.
Diploma of the 2nd degree-Tursyn Aspandiyar (TS-20-1) with the project “International Experimental Thermonuclear Reactor”.
Diploma of the 3rd degree-Daniel Rakhmet (OP-20-1) with the project “Common Problems Between Parents and Teenagers”.
According to teachers and University students, the international competition “Three minutes of abstracts” was not only a form of attracting students to research activities, but also a means of acquiring research skills, discussion and business skills.