Meeting the Commander Regional Command “Astana” Major General S.Kamaletdinova with the students of the military department of Karaganda State Technical University

In accordance with the work plan of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan , November 9, 2013 a meeting of the Commander of Regional Command “Astana”
Major General S.Kamaletdinova with the students of the military department of Karaganda State Technical University on the topic of “Service in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan – is an honorable duty and sacred duty of every citizen.”

Participated in a meeting about four students of the military department , as well as the personnel manager of the regional command “Astana” Major E. Makarov and the head of the military department of Karaganda State Medical University, PhD, professor of Colonel A. Mukhametzhanov .

Before the meeting , Major General S.Kamaletdinov acquainted with the military department of the University . The commander praised the training facilities and the development of innovative teachers that are embedded in the learning process , “… a major contribution to the training of military personnel for the Armed Forces ,” he wrote in the book of honorable guests of the military department .

“Now we have created a collective image of Kazakhstan warrior XXI century. Its distinctive features should be patriotism , intellectual development , healthy lifestyles , ” with these words Nazarbayev began his speech by Commander of Regional Command” Astana ” Major General S.Kamaletdinov .

In his speech, he told the students about the development of the Kazakh Army at the present stage , the social security of servicemen and prospects of further modernization of weapons and equipment .

During the meeting, the students actively asked questions , asked the conditions of recruitment , terms and rules of its passage , the opportunity to engage in scientific activities of the dual training etc. The meeting itself was interesting and definitely served as a guide for students to choose their future profession .

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