On April 12, Kazakhstan celebrates the professional holiday: the Day of Science Workers. Every year, in honor of this date, there are held scientific and practical conferences, honoring scientists, presenting awards for scientific achievements.

It is usual that the employees of Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University do not remain without congratulations, each of which, to one degree or another, is involved in all its achievements. But the most worthy persons deserve special attention on this day. On the proposal of the University administration, a number of scientists have been awarded Letters of Thanks from the Akim of the region E.K. Bulekpayev.

On April 12, a solemn presentation of awards took place in the conference hall of the main building of the University. A member of the Board, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs A.M. Temerbayeva, who delivered a welcoming speech, congratulated all those present with their professional holiday and the upcoming 70th anniversary of Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University. She noted its importance, emphasized that at the beginning of this year, the National Council of Science and Technology under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan was established with the aim of further improving the management of the national scientific system and developing recommendations for determining priorities for the further development of state policy in the field of science and scientific- technical activities of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Then they moved on to the awards ceremony.

Among those who has received the Letter of Thanks from the regional Akim is Zhetessov Santay Suleymenovich. Doctor of Engineering, Professor of the Technological Equipment, Mechanical Engineering and Standardization Department, Academician of the Kazakh National Academy of Natural Sciences, he has over 60 years of work experience behind him. He is a graduate of our University. For many years of fruitful scientific and pedagogical, social and inventive activity, Professor Zhetessov S.S. was awarded badges of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, “For Contribution to the Development of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, a Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, badges of “Miner’s Glory” of the III and II degree, Labor Glory of the II degree. He is a labor veteran, Honorary Machine Builder of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Honored Worker of KSTU, winner of the “Best University Teacher” grant in 2007 and 2013. He has more than 250 published scientific papers, including 25 monographs on the problems of improving the technology and mechanization of underground coal mining. He is the author of more than 150 inventions and patents.

The same reputable list of merits belongs to Yuri Nikolayevich Pak, Doctor of Engineering, Professor of the GEMD Department,  Academician of the Kazakhstan National Academy of Natural Sciences, Editor-in-Chief of the Republican Scientific Journal “University Proceedings”, Expert of the National Accreditation Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan, of the Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education, of the Independent accreditation and rating agencies. Yuri Nikolayevich has been working at the University for 48 years. He is an Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, was awarded with badges “For merits in the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, “Excellent worker in subsoil exploration”; he is Laureate of the title “European University Teacher”, a holder of the state grant “Best University Teacher” (2011, 2022), Laureate of the State Scientific Scholarship for scientists and specialists who made outstanding contribution to the development of science and technology; the winner of the National Competition “Golden Hephaestus” in the nomination Scientist-Teacher 2022. And this is not a complete list of his awards.

Vassili Sergeyevich Portnov, Doctor of Engineering, Professor of the GEMD Department, has also a lot of merits. He is a foreign member of the Academy of Mining Sciences (RF), Academician of the International Academy of Informatization, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Honored Worker of Science and Education (RAE). He is a graduate of KPTI. He has been working at the University for 49 years and was awarded with badges “Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, “Honored Worker of KSTU”, a badge “Ybray Altynsarin”, he is a holder of badges “Miner’s Glory” of three degrees, “Honored Worker of the Coal Industry”, a holder of the scientific scholarship of the Republic of Kazakhstan ( 2016), the Best Teacher of the University in 2009, the owner of the anniversary medal “10th anniversary of the Kazakhstan Constitution”, a medal named after V. I. Vernadsky (RF, 2010).

Handing the scientists Letters of Thanks from the regional Akim, Aizhan Maratovna expressed regret that Chairman of the Board, Rector of the University M.K. Ibatov due to participation in the celebrations dedicated to the Day of Science Workers in Astana. Congratulating them warmly on his behalf, she wished them good health and new success in their work for the benefit of Kazakh science.

In turn, the awardees thanked the regional Akim and the University leadership for high appreciation of their work and assured that they would continue to devote all their efforts to the prosperity of their native University and the Republic.
