Calendar plan of supervisory hours

Calendar plan of supervisory hours of the FAC


THE CALENDAR PLAN of supervisory hours for 1 year students by the theme

«The role of President’s personality in the formation of Kazakhstan patriotism»

for 1 semester

The name of curatorial hours Week of study
1 Constitution is- the basic law of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Rights and liberties of citizen and human being in the Republic of Kazakhstan 1 week
2 N.A. Nazarbaev – the First President of Republic of Kazakhstan. Constitution status of The President of Kazakhstan Republic 2 week
3 The role of the N.A. Nazarbayev to the strategic planning of development the Republic of Kazakhstan. Strategy “Kazakhstan-2030”. Strategic plan of development of Kazakhstan till 2020 3-4 week
4 The role of N.A. Nazarbaev in elaboration of economic strategy of independent Kazakhstan 5 week
5 State program for accelerated industrial-innovative development of Kazakhstan for 2010-2014 6 week
6 National policy on education of the Republic of Kazakhstan 7 week
7 The youth politics in the Republic of Kazakhstan. 8 week
8 N.A. Nazarbaev’s initiative in strengthening of internal politic stability and consolidation of Kazakhstan society 9 week
9 The role of the N.A. Nazarbayev in the strengthening of interethnic and interreligious consent of the Republic of Kazakhstan 10 week
10 The Asssemble of nations of Kazakhstan is exceptional institute of international and interconfessional agreement 11 week
11 The role of  N.A. Nazarbayev in shaping the strategy of national identity 12 week
12 Initiative N. Nazarbayev in ensuring the development and functioning of languages ​​in the Republic of Kazakhstan 13 week
13 The Republic of Kazakhstan is regional leader of social-economic and politic initiatives and reorganizations 14 week
14 President N.А. Nazarbayev’s annual message to Kazakhstan’s people is a strategic guide the development of society 15 week





THE CALENDAR PLAN of curatorial hours for 1 year students by the theme

«The Republic of Kazakhstan in the system of the world politics»

for 2 semester

The name of curatorial hours Week of study
1 The role of president N.A. Nazarbaev in making foreign-politic activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan 1 week
2 The basic foreign-politics principles of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2 week
3 The Republic of Kazakhstan and the Organization of United Nations 3 week
4 Kazakhstan and the Organization of security and cooperation in the Europe (OSCE) 4 week
5 The interaction of Kazakhstan with the Organization of North-Atlantic pact (NATO) 5 week
6 International, economic and financial institutes in the foreign-politic activity of Kazakhstan 6 week
7 Kazakhstan and the Organization «Islamic Conference» 7 week
8 Federation processes in the post-soviet space. Union of Independent States 8 week
9 Kazakhstan and idea of EEC 9 week
10 Kazakhstan and questions of the national security 10 week
11 Kazakhstan’s participation in the Organization of Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) 11 week
12 Kazakhstan’s participation in the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA) 12 week
13 Kazakhstan   participation    in   Shanghai   Cooperation Organization 13 week
14 Initiative N. Nazarbayev on disarmament and nonproliferation of nuclear weapons in the world 14 week
15 The role of N.A. Nazarbaev in creating of positive image of Republic of Kazakhstan in the world community 15 week


THE CALENDAR PLAN of curatorial hours for 2 course students by the theme

“Great personalities in the history of Kazakhstan”

for 3 semester

The name of curatorial hours Week of study
1 Balasaguni Yusuf, Mahmud Kashgari and Al-Farabi – the great philosophers, scientists, writers 1 week
2 Khoja Ahmed Yasawi – the great Central Asian Sufi poet and a religious preacher 2 week
3 Mukhamed Khaidar Dulati – well-known historian, literary critic, and statesman of the Middle Ages 3 week
4 Kadyrgali Zhalairi – great Kazakh scientist, statesman 4 week
5 The historical role of Kasim Khan, Tauke Khan and Ablai Khan in the development of the Kazakh Khanate 5 week
6 Bukhar-Zhyrau -philosopher, adviser, akyn 6 week
7 Tole bi, Kazybek bi, Aiteke bi – great bies of Kazakh steppe 7 week
8 I. Altynsarin -pedagogue, thinker 8 week
9 С Valikhanov – great Kazakh scientist 9 week
10 Abay -philosopher, elucidative (“Words of edification”) 10 week
11 Bukeikhanov A. Baitursynov A. Dulatov M. Kudayberdiev Sh. – presenters of liberal democratic intelligence of Kazakhstan in the beginning of 20ш century 11 week
12 K.Amanzholov – poet-innovator, the founder of lyric in the Kazakh poetry 12 week
13 The people of Kazakhstan – the heroes of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) 13 week
14 К Satpaev, D. Kunaev – great scientists of Kazakhstan 14 week
15 N.A. Nazarbayev – The first President and founder of the Republic of Kazakhstan 15 week


THE CALENDAR PLAN of curatorial hours for 2 year students by the theme

“Historical and cultural legacy of Kazakhstan”

for 4 semester

The name of curatorial hours Week of study
1 Culture of the Bronze Age and tribal organizations in Kazakhstan’s territory 1 week
2 The spiritual culture of the Turkic period in the history of Kazakhstan. Penetration of the world’s religions on Kazakhstan’s territory 2 week
3 Medieval urban culture of Kazakhstan 3 week
4 The material culture of medieval Kazakhstan 4 week
5 Creativity bard in the culture of Kazakhstan 5 week
6 Kazakh epic as one of the major genres of folklore 6 week
7 The National Cultural Heritage of Kazakhstan: songs, stories, proverbs and sayings 7 week
8 Music art and artistic creativity of the Kazakh people in the XIX – early XX centuries 8 week
9 The development of the periodical press in Kazakhstan in the XIX-early XX centuries 9 week
10 Development of Education and Science of Kazakhstan during the Soviet period 10 week
11 The development of Kazakhstan’s literature in the Soviet period 11 week
12 Musical and theatrical arts of Kazakhstan during the Soviet period 12 week
13 The development of cinema and painting of Kazakhstan in the Soviet period 13 week
14 Development of Kazakhstan’s culture in the period of Independence 14 week
15 Глобализация и ее влияние на культурные процессы Globalization and its influence on cultural processes 15 week


THE CALENDAR PLAN of curatorial hours for 3 year students by the theme

“The history of development KSTU”

for 5 semester

The name of curatorial hours
Week of study
1 Basic stages of creation and development of KarSTU 1 week
2 Academician A.S. Saginov – scientist and organizer of high technical education in Kazakhstan 2 week
3 KarSTU – The University of the First President of RK N.A. Nazarbayev 3 week
4 Scientists, teachers – pride of KarSTU 4 week
5 Life and activity of the first Kazakh – mathematician Ermekov A.A. 5 week
6 Byrka V.F. – scientist, organizer, teacher 6 week
7 Professor, doctor of technical sciences – Daniyarov A.N. 7 week
8 Popov I.I. – founder of merchandise science school in Central Kazakhstan 8 week
9 Graschenkov N.F. – founder of Kazakh school of labour’s safety 9 week
10 Academician, professor, doctor of geologic mineralogical sciences Ermekov A.M. 10 week
11 Kashik Sh.K. – teacher, scientist, mentor, patriot 11 week
12 Professor Shevtsov E.I. – metallurg, scientist, teacher 12 week
13 Kvon S.S. scientist, teacher, organizer 13 week
14 The life and career of Professor R.P. Okatov 14 week
15 Teachers of the military department KSTU 15 week


THE CALENDAR PLAN of curatorial hours for 3 year students by the theme

«Ecology and national health»

for 6 semester

The name of curatorial hours Week of study
1 Ecological situation in the Republic of Kazakstan 1 week
2 Effects of nuclear tests for Kazakstan people 2 week
3 The Balkhash lake problems 3 week
4 The Aral Sea problem 4 week
5 Ecological problems of Kaspiy Sea 5 week
6 The transboundary rivers problems 6 week
7 The Baykonur spaceport and its influence on environment conditions 7 week
8 The influence of military areas on the ecological conditions 8 week
9 Industry without waste as one of the facts of  solution ecological problems 9 week
10 Prevention of drug abuse and smoking 10 week
11 Prophylaxis to prevent HIV / AIDS and STIs 11 week
12 Prevention of alcohol abuse among young people 12 week
13 Health family is health nation 13 week
14 Right and effectual nutrition is the basis of health 14 week
15 Health way of living 15 week


THE CALENDAR PLAN of curatorial hours for 4 year students by the theme

“Fundamentals of lawful education”

for 7 semester

The name of curatorial hours Week of study
1 Formation of lawful government and civil society in the Republic of Kazakhstan 1 week
2 Constitution – fundamental Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2 week
3 Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Human rights in Kazakhstan 3 week
4 Политические права граждан Республики Казахстан Citizens’ politic rights of  the Republic of Kazakhstan 4 week
5 Social-economic rights and responsibilities of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan 5 week
6 Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of science 6 week
7 Intellectual property and its defense 7 week
8 Labor Law and young specialist 8-9 week
9 Anti-corruption laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan 10 week
10 Legislation of RK about regulation of conjugal relations 11 week
11 Legislation of RK on regulation matters of religion 12 week
12 Offences and measure of responsibility for them 13 week
13 Deviant behavior among young people and its implications 14 week
14 Military service in the Aimed Forces – sacred duty and responsibility of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan 15 week