L I S T scientific and scientific-methodological works of YEGOROV VIKTOR VLADIMIROVICH for 2009-2011


No Name Work character Publishing house, journal (name, number, year) orauthor’s certificate number Volume< p.sh. Co-authors’ names
1 Issues of intellectualizing systems of controlling engineers mathematical training Printed(article) Continuous vocational education. Collection of scientific articles. – Novosibirsk: SAFBD, 2009. – P. 156-158 0,37 Abdygalikova G.А.
2 Information-mathematical training of future engineers Printed(article) Continuous vocational education. Collection of scientific articles. – Novosibirsk: SAFBD, 2009. – P. 240-244 0,6 Abdygalikova G.А.
3 Interactive methods of teaching in engineering education Printed(monograph) Almaty: Bilim, 2009. – 165 p. 10,5 Udartseva S.М.,Yerakhtina I.I.
4 Visual Basic in examples and tasks Printed(monograph) Novosibirsk, JSC “Novosibirsk book publishing house”, 2009, – 202 p. 25,3 Krivoruchko V.V.,Shpigar N.N.
5 Higher school pedagogy Teaching aid Novosibirsk: SAFBD, 2008. – 317 p 39,6 Skibitski E.G.,Khrapchenkov V.G.
6 Computer modeling and computing experiment Teaching aid Novosibirsk, JSC “Novosibirsk book publishing house”, 2009, – 173 p. 21,6 Krivoruchko V.V.,Shpigar N.N.,
Zarechnaya O.P.
7 Developing technical university in the conditions of market economy Printed(article) Higher education in Russia. –  2012. No 1. P. 119-124 0,6 Gazaliyev А.М.,Breido I.V.
8 Students vocational education as a basis of teaching and educational process in higher school Printed(article) Nauka I studia – 2009. – № 12 (24). – С. 56-58 0,2 Smolkina T.P., Ogoltsova Ye.G.
9 Personality-oriented education at a technical higher school Printed(mon.) Almaty: Bilim, 2009. – 179 p. 11,2 Ogoltsova Ye.G.
10 The efficiency of the ranking system of higher school teachers’ and divisions’ activities self-assessment Printed(article) Higher education today. – 2010. – № 4. – С. 11-15 0,6 Gazaliyev А.М.,Breido I.V.
11 Prospects of realizing master programs and personnel training programs with issuing double diplomas within the frames of pilot projects of the Shanghai Organization of Cooperation University Printed(article) Higher education today. – 2010. – № 10. – P 6-7 0,3 Gazaliyev А.М.,Breido I.V.
12 Problems and prospects of natural science training of vocational education teachers in Kazakhstan Printed(article) Materiálý VI mezinárodní védecko-praktická conference “Aktuální vymoženosti vĕdy – 2010” (Praha). – С. 3-6 0,3 Alinova M.Sh.
13 Upbringing activity at higher educational establishment Printed(article) Bull. of Buryat State University (Pedagogy. – Ulan-ude, 2010. – № 1. – P. 3-5 0,3 Smolkina T.P., Ogoltsova Ye.G.
14 Technological and physical-and-chemical processes of foundry Textbook (rec. by  RK MES) Almaty: Bilim, 2009. – 698 p. 44,8 Gazaliyev А.М.,Rybkin V.А.,

Issin D.К.

15 Technological and physical-and-chemical processes of machine building Textbook (rec. by  RK MES) Almaty: Bilim, 2009. – 179 p. 45,5 Gazaliyev А.М.,Stupnikov V.А.,

Issin D.К.

16 Technological and physical-and-chemical processes of machine building Textbook (rec. by  RK MES) Almaty: Bilim, 2009. – 728 p. 45,5 Gazaliyev А.М.,Rybkin V.А.,

Issin D.К.

17 Problems and prospects of natural science training of vocational education teachers in Kazakhstan Печат.(статья) Aktualni vemzenosti vedy – 2010: mezinarodni vtdecko – praktika conference. – Dill 11. – Pedagogika Politicke vedy. – Praha, 2010. – P. 3-5 0,3 Аlinova M.Sh.
18 Distance-credit technology of training Textbook Almaty: Bilim, 2009. – 481 p. 30 Аimagambetov E.B., Ibyshev E.S., Kenzhebayeva S.K.
19 New materials and technologies in machine building Teaching iad Karaganda: KSTU Publ.house. – 2010. – 158 с. 9,8 Batyshev A.I., batyshev К.А., Belov V.D., Smolkin А.А.
20 Technological and physical-and-chemical processes of foundry Textbook (rec. by  RK MES) .Karaganda: KSTU Publ.house. – 2010. – 717 с. 44,8 Gazaliyev А.М.,Rybkin V.А.,

Issin D.К.

21 Құю өндірісінің технологиялық және физика химиялық процестері Textbook (rec. by  RK MES) .Karaganda: KSTU Publ.house. – 2010. – 717 с. 44,8 Gazaliyev А.М.,Rybkin V.А.,

Issin D.К.

22 Training engineering students in baccalaureate Printed(article) Higher education in Russia. – 2010. – № 3. – P. 138-142 0,6 Gazaliyev A.M. Breido I.V.
23 Technical higher school students’ knowledge estimation Печат.(стат.) Academic board. – 2011. – № 3. – P. 10-15 0,6 Gazaliyev  А.М,Аbdygalikova G.А.
24 Pedagogical system of forming information-technological competence of vocational education teachers Печат.(статья) Rectors board. – 2011. – № 2. – P. 87-95 1,1 Gotting V.V.,Samashova G.Ye., Nurmaganbetova M.S.
25 Changing in technical higher schools students’ motivation sphere Печат.(статья) World of science, culture and education. – 2011. – № 3 (28). – P. 78-81 0,5 Skibitski E.G., Ogoltsova Ye.G.
26 Psychological features of students and activation of their cognitive activity Печат.(статья) Alma mater (Bull.of higher school).  М.,  2011. – № 8. – P. 19-23 0,62 Gazaliyev  А.М.,Ogoltsova Ye.G.
27 Каraganda State technical University: course to innovations. Печат.(статья) Present day  education. – 2011. – № 3 (83). – P. 53-56 0,5