KSTU entered top-600 universities of international professional ranking RankPro 2017/18

Karaganda State Technical University took 577 place in the world and 2nd place in Kazakhstan in the ranking of universities Worldwide Professional University Rankings RankPro 2017/2018.

It should be noted that only three local Universities were included in this ranking.

The rating is issued annually by the International Council of scientists within the Global World Communicator program.

The world professional ranking of universities is determined by specialists of the highest qualification – professors of universities and consists of three directions of ranking of higher education institutions:

  1. Academic ranking. Its structure takes into account the number and students membership and teaching staff of the University
  2. Ranking by BS-index – availability of information in English version of the University’s website. At its inception, it takes into account: general information about the University (its description), academic information, communication capabilities.

3. Reputation ranking – takes into account the ranking of universities in global and national rankings and the results of the expert survey of members of the international council of scientists.
