Kim Yury Moiseevich

The professor of «Organization of production» chair .

The expert in the field of economy and management in building. The author  more than 70 scientific and methodical workings out. For excellent job on preparation of experts was marked by gratitude, reading and writing and a sign “Honoured worker of KarSTU”, twice awarded by a sign «Competitions» (1954, 1973), five medals of the USSR and RК, reading and writing of Sovmina of the USSR (1987), Minvuza KazSSR (1983), a badge «Honours pupil of formation» (1993) Minvuz RК.

Kim Yury Moiseevich — the graduate of the Siberian road institute, was trained in postgraduate study of the Kazakh polytechnical institute. In 1972 on the basis of dissertation record on a speciality «Economy and management in the industry». He has been appropriated a scientific degree of Candidate of economical sciences.
