Karaganda State Technical University holds Interuniversity Programming contest

Karaganda State Technical University invites all students from 1 to 4 courses of higher educational institutions of Karaganda and Karaganda Region to take part in programming contest.

The main goals and objectives of the contest are:

– identification and development of students of higher educational institutions of creative abilities and interest in the study of programming;

– creation of conditions for intellectual development, support of gifted students;

– promotion of programming as a means of intellectual leisure and development of students.

Rounds of the contest:

I round-Registering the participants.

Registration of participants will be held from May 4, 2018 to May 15, 2018 by providing contact information from everyone who wants to participate, according to the following sample:


1. Full name of the contest participant
2. Language of study
3. City, district
4. Place of study (name of University)
5. Major, course
6. Cellphone
7. E-mail

Applications are accepted by e-mail: itb_kargtu@kstu.kz, in the form of tables MS Excel, MS Word. Applications will not be accepted after May 15, 2018.

II round – full-time tour.

Venue: Karaganda State Technical University Karaganda, 56 Mira Boulevard, main building, room 424b. The winners of the contest will be the participants with the highest number of points.

Terms of holding the contest:

May 18, 2018 from 14.00 to 16.00 – holding of the intramural round of the programming contest.

May 19, 2018 at 14.00 – awarding of the contest winners.
