International cooperation

Mine surveying and geodesy department


The Department of “Mine Surveying and Geodesy” throughout its existence develops and builds up close international relations with related departments of Universities of different near and far abroad countries.

The teaching staff of the department regularly maintains international relations with professors, doctors of sciences from partner universities.




Foreign scientists participate in scientific conferences held at Abylkas Saginov KTU, invite employees of the MS&G Department to participate in various events that are aimed at strengthening and development of international relations.

A striking example of the development of international relations is the annual Mine Surveying Forum on the basis of Abylkas Saginov KTU under the guidance of Professor Farit Kamalovich Nizametdinov, Doctor of Engineering Sciences.

In 2023 the International Mine Surveying Forum “Geospatial Digital Engineering in Geodesy, Mine Surveying and Geomechanics” was held on the occasion of the University’s anniversary. The reports were made by participants from different countries, including representatives of large companies selling mine surveying and geodetic equipment:

Leica Geosystems



Since 2012 there is a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Berlin University of Applied Sciences (Germany) in the framework of which the teaching staff of MS&G Department, masters, students under the guidance of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Boris Resnik develop international cooperation. On April 21, 2023 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Boris Resnik made a report “Application of artificial neural networks for vehicle classification” at the International Forum.

Asel Kuandykovna Satbergenova, senior lecturer of the Department of MS&G won and received the international grant of the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD in the leading universities of Germany in 2011, 2018, 2019, 2023.

Within international cooperation, the staff of the MS&G Department are studying in postgraduate studies for further defence of the title of Candidate of Engineering Sciences.

Aisulu Amirkhanovna Kusainova successfully defended her thesis in 2023 at the National Research Tomsk State University for the degree of Candidate of Geographical Sciences.

Senior lecturer Elena Alexeyevna Oleinikova is a student of “Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies”, majoring in 1.6.22. “Geodesy”, Russia, Novosibirsk, Scientific supervisor – Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor Georgiy Afanasyevich Ustavich.

Senior lecturer Miruert Serikpayevna Tutanova is studying at the postgraduate course in “Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies, Scientific supervisor – Professor Andrey Arkadievich Sholomitsky.

Senior lecturer Rustem Rashitovich Khannanov is studying at the postgraduate course in “Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies”, Scientific supervisor – Professor Andrey Arkadievich Sholomitsky.

Lecturer Viktoriya Vladimirovna Kazantseva is studying at the postgraduate course in “Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies”, Scientific supervisor – Docent Nikolay Sergeyevich Kosarev.

Students of the department participate in the student academic exchange program

Saya Zaitova, a student of the group DAP – 20-2, studied at VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava in 2021 under the International Academic Exchange Program.

“The academic mobility exchange program was at the highest level. As an exchange student, I was lucky to spend a semester at the Czech university VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava. Within the framework of the training program at the Technical University of Ostrava I took courses on working with and editing of remote sensing data and maps in ArcGIS, ArcMAP programs, some additional work was done in the GIS system Saga-GIS. In addition to intensive immersion in GIS systems, there was an active student life: the student community arranged hiking in the mountains, a tour to neighboring cities, to the main attractions of the city and supported us the whole semester in every possible way, even an appointment with a staff psychologist was available to get support and help in a completely foreign country. The academic mobility program opens up a lot of opportunities for students from narrow study of their field of study to overall personal development while traveling. I am grateful to the cooperation of our university Saginov KTU with foreign countries and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for holding a competition for funding students to exchange experiences, for support and such chances to achieve goals in research and their development”.

Maria Denisovna Sitnikova, a student of the group DAP-20-3, is studying at Tyumen Industrial University (Tyumen, Russia) under the academic mobility program.

Aliya Kanatovna Doskaliyeva, student of group DAP-20-3 of educational program 6B07303 “Digital aerial photography”, under the guidance of Asel Kuandykovna Satbergenova, senior lecturer of the Department of MS&G, on 22.05.2023 took part in the XIX International Forum-Competition of students and young scientists “Actual problems of subsurface use” in St. Petersburg Mining University.

The program of the Forum-Competition of 2023 included breakout sessions on promising areas of development of the mineral and raw materials complex, specialized lectures within the framework of the program “Philosophy of Science”, as well as thematic excursions.

Participation in the Forum-Competition is a unique opportunity to speak in front of an audience of participants from around the world, meet with representatives of government agencies and specialists from the academic and business community, find potential partners and share ideas with young scientists from other countries. It is noteworthy that Aliya Doskalieva was the only participant from Kazakhstan in the section “Modern technologies for construction of buildings, structures and objects of mineral and raw materials complex”.

May 18-20, 2022 in the city of Novosibirsk was held VII International Student Olympiad in Geodesy. The following students participated from our university:

Ruslan Babazhanov DAP-19-4

Maria Sitnikova DAP-20-3

Aliya Doskalieva DAP-20-3

Alisa Chasovnikova DAP-20-3.

Our students took the First place and two Third places.

The students were prepared and accompanied by senior lecturers of MS&G Department Sitnikova E.V., Oleinikova E.A., Hannanov R.R..

May 17-19, 2023 in the city of Novosibirsk was held VIII International Student Olympiad in Geodesy. The following students participated from our university:

Vladimir Kasatkin DAP-21-3

Karina Galiullina DAP-21-3

Dilyara Akhmetbekova DAP-21-3

Amina Galymova DAP-21-3.

Our students took the First place and one Third place.

The students were prepared and accompanied by senior lecturers of MS&G Department Sitnikova E.V., Oleinikova E.A., Hannanov R.R.
