Information of the state budget funding projects for 2022-2024 with execution period of 30 months

АР14869856 “Developing new technologies of drilling and blasting operations that ensure the design parameters of mine workings safety and the stability of the marginal part of the massif”, p.m. Imashev A.Zh.



The relevance of the problem of developing new technologies of drilling and blasting operations that ensure the design parameters of mine workings safety, taking into account the geomechanical state and disturbance of rocks by blasting the peripheral part of the massif, has always been an important task in the mining industry.

To date, during mining operations at the Akbakai, Beskempir, Zholymbet mines of Altynalmas JSC, Bozymchak KazMinerals LLP, Voskhod-Oriel LLP, Abyz Corporation LLP, the exceeding of the design cross-sections is achieved from 10 to 30% and is a problem that requires an unconventional approach.

It is known that excess section is the main problem of mining, which leads to increasing the volume of rock mass for transportation, decreasing the bearing capacity of the marginal part of the massif, significant increasing the tunneling cycle and the cost of a linear meter of excavation. Despite the fact that there are scientific developments, the results of previous studies still do not allow us to solve the problem of preserving the design parameters of the cross-section of mine workings by optimizing the parameters of drilling and blasting operations.


The project purpose

The purpose of the project is to develop new technologies of drilling and blasting operations that ensure preservation of the design parameters of mine workings by minimizing the coefficient of excess section depending on the disruption of the rock mass by blasting, the seismic impact of the explosion force and the geomechanical state of the peripheral part of the rock mass in accordance with the geological strength index.


Expected results

Based on the results of studying the explosion parameters, it was established that for any charge diameter, increasing the charge density leads to significant increasing the detonation speed. However, with further increasing the density (from 1.45 to 1.7 g/cm3), the intensity of increasing the speed decreases. Based on numerous studies of the detonation ability of explosives, it was found that detonation characteristics were related to the diameter of the charged holes and the density of the explosive.

During the pilot tests carried out in various mining and geological conditions, a logarithmic relationship was established between the geological strength index and the coefficient of rock disturbance (D). The excess section ratio was found to be directly related to the geological strength index (GSI) stability rating.

The deposit areas were zoned according to the rock stability rating based on the geological strength index and the dependencies of the main parameters of drilling and blasting operations were determined. In the course of geotechnical mapping of excavation walls and description of geological well cores, the stability rating of rocks was determined. Based on the GSI rating, a rating database was compiled and a three-dimensional geomechanical model of the field was built. Based on the geomechanical model, the rock massif is divided into domains according to the GSI rating, which made it possible to determine the influence of the explosion force on the boundary massif and to adjust the drilling and blasting certificates.

Research team

  1. Imashev Askar Zhanbolatovich, project manager, PhD, head of the MDD Department.

Researcher ID – ABC-2138-2021

ORCID – 0000-0002-9799-8115

Scopus Author ID – 57204153972

  1. Suimbayeva Aigerim Maratovna, PhD, responsible officer, senior researcher. Institute KazMIRR, acting Associate Professor of the RA&OS Department.

Researcher ID – AAC-8234-2022

ORCID – 0000-0001-6582-9977

  1. Adoko Amoussou Coffi, Associate Professor at the School of Mining and Geosciences at Nazarbayev University

Researcher ID – ADG-2051-2022

ORCID – 0000-0003-1396-7811

Scopus Author ID – 49361005100

  1. Matayev Azamat Kalizhanuly, PhD, teacher of the Russian Medical Pedagogical Institute Department.

Researcher ID D-3766-2019

ORCID – 0000-0001-9033-8002

Scopus Author ID – 57219561578

  1. Mussin Aibek Abdukalykovich, PhD, senior lecturer of the MDD Department.

Researcher ID – AGD-8697-2022

ORCID – 0000-0001-6318-9056

Scopus Author ID – 57225333744

  1. Nazarova Aigerim Sauranbayevna, specialist of the DS&I

List of publications in 2023

There was granted a patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for utility model No. 8527 was received/ Imashev A.Zh., Mussin A.A., Suimbaeva A.M., Matayev A.K. “Method of contour blasting during excavation”.

Information for potential consumers

Achieving the design parameters of mine workings will reduce the volume of transportation of excess rock mass, specific consumption of explosives, materials for supporting, stabilize the geomechanical state of the rock mass and increase the safety of mining operations.


AP14869145 “Developштп an intelligent fiber-optic system for monitoring the geotechnical condition of mine workings in quarries and open-pit mines”, p.m. PhD Neshina Ye.G.


The relevance of the project is conditioned by the importance of the issue of warning about sudden changes in parameters that affect the strength of mine workings of quarries, open pits and provide protection for personnel from sudden collapse. The work proposes to improve occupational safety through the use of new scientific achievements associated with the use of fiber-optic technologies, namely a fiber-optic sensor (FOS), which is part of the hardware and software complex.

The project purpose

The purpose of the project is to develop an intelligent fiber-optic system for monitoring the geotechnical condition of mining workings in quarries and open-pit mines, operating in real time for timely notification of changes in geotechnical parameters leading to the collapse of the sides of the quarry and open-pit mine, which allows increasing the level of safety of mining operations and reducing economic costs of eliminating the consequences of the collapse.

Expected and achieved results

In 2023, research results were published in 5 articles, 1 of them in a domestic publication recommended by CCHES, 4 articles in rating journals included in the Scopus database. There were received 2 certificates of state registration of rights to an object (scientific work) of copyright, a patent. Agreements were concluded for purchasing equipment needed to conduct the research. Mathematical modeling of the processes of the system for monitoring the geotechnical condition of mine workings was carried out. A hardware and software complex for the monitoring system was developed.

Figure 3 – Sensor in normal and displaced position:

1 – optic fiber, 2 – fixed connector, 3 – movable connector, 4 – tip, 5 – spring, 6 – base, 7 – fixed reference point, 8 – movable reference point, 9 – crack, 10 – soil


Research team

  1. Neshina Elena Gennadyevna, project manager, PhD, Head of the ES Department, Scopus Author ID – 56252099900, Researcher ID – V-2303-2018, ORCID 0000-0002-8973-2958.
  2. Yugay Vyacheslav Viktorovich, responsible officer, PhD, Head of the APP Department, Researcher ID – ABA-7820-2020, ORCID 0000-0002-7249-2345, Scopus Author ID – 8379849200.
  3. Alkina Aliya Daulekhanovna, researcher, senior lecturer of the Department of Electrical Science, Researcher ID R-2415-2017, ORCID 0000-0003-4879-0593, Scopus Author ID – 57160184600
  4. Kalytka Valery Alexandrovich, researcher, PhD, Professor of the ES Department, Researcher ID – AAR-8471-2020, ORCID 0000-0002-3232-1285, Scopus Author ID – 15033113300.
  5. Kaliaskarov Nurbol Baltabayevich, researcher, PhD, Head of the TSS department,

Researcher ID – ABC-2155-2020, ORCID 0000-0003-3684-14205, Scopus Author ID – 57201113007.

  1. Tleugabylova Makhabbat Kudaiberovna, researcher, teacher of the ES Department, ORCID 0000-0003-4789.
  2. Mekhtiyev Ali Dzhavanshirovich, researcher, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of S. Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical UniversityNJSC, Scopus Author ID – 5729935782, ORCID 0000-0002-2633-3976.

​8. Malikov Nurbol Muratovich, researcher, teacher of the ES Department, Scopus Author ID – 57813518900, ORCID 0000-0002-6298-1735.

  1. Bilichenko Yekaterina Nikolayevna, researcher, senior lecturer at the ES Department, Scopus Author ID –57812733800, ORCID 0000-0002-2132-7016.
  2. Fomin Ilya Pavlovich. researcher, master student gr. EEM-21 of the EEM Department.

List of publications

  1. А. Mekhtiyev , Y. Neshina, A. Аlkina, V. Yugai, V. Kalytka, Y. Sarsikeyev and L. Kirichenko. Developing an Intelligent Fiber-optic System for Monitoring Reinforced Concrete Foundation Structure Damage, Applied Sciences (Switzerland), Appl. Sci. 2023, 13(21), 11987; (Scopus, 62 percentile)


Information for potential consumers

The mining industry is developed in Kazakhstan and potential consumers could be about 80 large enterprises engaged in the extraction of various minerals. Because The proposed system solves the important problem of early diagnosis of the collapse of mine workings and the sides of quarries and open-pit mines, which will allow potential consumers significant reducing the material costs of eliminating the accident and avoiding the loss of technological equipment, as well as casualties among production personnel in the event of a sudden rock collapse in mining areas. The result of the project will be the development of a prototype fiber-optic system for monitoring the geotechnical condition of quarry and open-pit mines and the preparation of documentation.


Enterprises that are engaged in mining various minerals.


AP14872003 “Improving the geological and economic assessment of mining and metallurgical enterprises in the context of their compliance with international trends and digital reform”, p.m. Issatayeva F.M.


The relevance of the study is conditioned by the growing role of the fuel and energy complex of emerging markets in the decarbonization of the economy. In the context of the designated energy transition, the features of the transformation of industrial enterprises in Kazakhstan with the use of digital technologies are updated as the most important tool for increasing efficiency in the conditions of increasing competition in the global market for mineral raw materials. The authors’ long-term research made it possible to identify the most significant factors limiting the activities of enterprises in the designated direction. External, aggravating risks of information security, preventing leakage of geological and production information, investment and innovation risks of sustainable development (the level of competition, availability of technology and capital, development of legislation, uncertainty of the economic situation). Internal – difficulties in changing transformed internal production processes and the low technical level of production, expressed in the insufficient digital maturity of current processes and the low level of development of automated process control systems, the difficulty of integrating new technologies into internal production and organizational processes, low return on investment, limited liquidity. There is a lack of new competencies in mastering digital technologies, managing innovative projects, building partnerships, and strengthening international positions. Despite the introduction of new technologies and means to ensure their safety, geodynamic risks in mining continue to increase.

The project purpose

Based on the generated factual database on geological and economic indicators and characteristics of the deposits of the Kazakhmys Corporation LLP, developing the information and analytical system for geological and economic assessment of the enterprise through digitalization of the key business processes that allows modeling production situations, increasing the efficiency and transparency of management.

Expected results an results achieved in 2023

The basic prerequisites for creating an information and analytical system are substantiated. A system of indicators has been developed for the geological and economic assessment of the enterprise in accordance with the KAZRC system, the international set of GRI standards. Assessment of the international competitiveness of the Kazakhmys Corporation LLP using the cash cost calculation method.

The development of an information and analytical system is justified by the need for a geological and economic assessment of the enterprise, for which a system of indicators has been developed that complies with KAZRC standards and the international set of GRI standards in order to ensure the efficiency, sustainability and transparency of its activities.

In 2023, the results of the study were published in 3 articles recommended by CCHES:

1) Issatayeva F.M., Aubakirova G.M. The role of investment attractiveness of the geological exploration industry in achieving sustainable development of the state. Oil and Gas Journal, 2023. No. 4. P.26-39.

2) Yessendossova A.N., Mausymbaeva A.D., Isastayeva F.M., Kaskatayeva K.B. Endogenous ore formations of the Alaigyr deposit, Mining Journal of Kazakhstan, 2023. No.1. P.16-23

3) Issatayeva F., Aubakirova G., Rudko G., Mausymbaeva A., Madysheva R. Transformation of industrial enter-prises in the countries with transi-tional economies: the digital aspect, “Izvestia NAS RK. Series of Geology and Technical Sciences”, 2023. 1(457). P.72-91

​ A certificate of state registration of rights to an object (scientific work) of copyright was received: Issatayeva F.M. “Achieving sustainability of countries with transit economies: the experience of Kazakhstan” No. 37236 dated June 16, 2023.

Two conference reports were published: 1) Aubakirova G.M., Issatayeva F.M. “Digital transformation of the mining and metallurgical complex of Kazakhstan”, International scientific and practical conference “Economy and society in a new reality”, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Faculty of Economics, Astana: S. Seifullin National Kazakh Agrotechnical University” Publ. House, 2023. P.369-374.

2) Aubakirova G.M., Issatayeva F.M. “Information and analytical support for geological and economic assessment at mining and metallurgical enterprises”, International scientific and practical conference “Current state of economic systems: management, development, safety”, Tver: Tver State Technical University Publishing House, 2023. P.15 -19

A collective monograph has been published: Issatayeva F., Aubakirova G., Mausymbaeva A.: “Transformation of the mining complex of Kazakhstan: international aspect”, Der Stand der Entwicklung von Wissenschaft und Technik im XXI Jahrhunderts: Innovative Technik, Architektur, Medizin, Biologie, Geologie. Monografische Reihe «Europäische Wissenschaft». Buch 14. Teil 1. 2022. The level of development of science and technology in the XXI century: Innovative technology, Architecture, Medicine, Biology, Geology. Monographic series «European Science». Book 14. Part 1., 2022., DOI: 10.30890/2709-2313.2022-14-02-001.

  Figure 1. Project manager F.M. Issatayeva carries out an analysis of the geological and economic assessment for the reported period of 2023

Research team

1) Issatayeva Farida Muratovna, project manager, PhD, Head of the GEMD Department.

Hirsch index – 1

Researcher ID – AGO-2688-2022

Author ID – 57214246924

ORCID – 0000-0003-0337-1539

2) Aubakirova Gulnara Muslimovna, responsible officer, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the EMP Department.

Hirsch index – 1

Researcher ID -AAB-5682-2021

Author ID – 893146

ORCID – 0000-0003-0337-1539

3) Maussymbayeva Aliya Dumanovna, PhD, GEMD Department.

Hirsch index – 2

ResearcherID: E-2038-2015

Author ID: 57144628100

ORCID – 0000-0002-7214-8026

4) Baidauletova Irina Vladimirovna, MTS, assistant of the GEMD Department.

ORCID – 0000-0002-8609-0531

Information for potential consumers

The results of the study will be used in conducting a geological and economic assessment, taking into account Kazakhstan’s transition to the international system of reporting standards for mineral reserves CRIRSCO; The developed algorithm of the “Information and Analytical System” program for geological and economic assessment of the enterprise will increase the scientific and technical validity of the enterprise’s decarbonization strategies and accelerate the implementation of projects according to ESG standards.


AP14869550 “Developing and studying the design of a stationary lift for loading grain cargo into containers transported by railway platforms”, p.m. Balabayev O.T.



Currently, at agricultural elevators, grain cargo is loaded into containers transported by road using mobile lifts. On railway transport, which is the main mode of transport for the export of Kazakh grain crops, grain cargo is loaded through elevator bunkers into grain wagons. In Kazakhstan, the number of grain wagons is limited due to their high cost and seasonality of harvests. The main idea of the project is that the developed design of a stationary lift will allow loading grain cargo through elevator bunkers into containers transported by railway platforms. Implementation of this project will significantly increase the possibilities of exporting Kazakh grain crops by rail.


The project purpose

Developing a design and studying the operation of a stationary lift for loading grain cargo into containers transported by railway platforms for further implementation in agricultural production of grain crops.


Expected results

When carrying out  studies to obtain the expected results in the project, scientific and technical work will be carried out in the following sequence:

– theoretical studies of the operation of a stationary lift, including patent search, mathematical research methods;

– experimental studies of the operation of a stationary lift in the software environment of the ANSYS application program, including methods for planning and processing experiments;

– implementation of theoretical and experimental research based on the completed theoretical and experimental research, development of design and technical documentation.

The main results of the work will be presented in the following forms:

– 2 articles in peer-reviewed scientific publications included in the 1st (first) and (or) 2nd (second) quartile by impact factor in the Web of Science database and (or) having a CiteScore percentile in the Scopus database of at least 65 (sixty-five) ;

–  2 articles in peer-reviewed scientific publications recommended by CCES;

–  1 monograph in a foreign publishing house;

–  1 monograph in a Kazakh publishing house;

–  1 patent in the Kazakhstan patent bureau;

– 1 certificate of state registration of rights to an object of copyright in the Kazakhstan Patent Bureau;

– a license agreement for scientific and technical products (design documentation for development);

– an experimental technique in the software environment of the ANSYS application program;

– a set of design documentation in the AutoCAD application software environment.


Information of the work done and results achieved in the 2nd half of 2023:

  1. A model of a stationary lift was developed in the ANSYS application software environment to conduct the experiment.
  2. An experiment was carried out in the ANSYS application software environment. Selecting the main design parameters of the stationary lift was carried out on the basis of experimental studies.
  3. In October 2023 an article of the CCES was published. Balabayev O.T., Ibatov M.K., Mikhailov V.F., Kasymzhanova A.D., Askarov B.Sh.. Determining static stresses in the design of the lifting frame of a stationary lift // University Proceedings, No. 3(92), 2023. 251-257 pp.


       Research team

  1. Balabayev Oyum Temirgalievich , project manager, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Industrial Transport Department.


Researcher ID: W-5951-2018.

Scopus Author ID: 57208385327

  1. Askarov Bakhtiyar Sharapidenovitch, responsible officer, PhD, Head of the Industrial Transport Department


Scopus Author ID: 57210963866

  1. Mikhailov Valentin Feliksovich, researcher, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Mechanics Department.


Researcher ID: Y-2093-2018.

Scopus Author ID: 57219108246

  1. Beisembayev Dias Madatovich, researcher, MS, teacher of the Industrial Transport Department.


  1. Kanat Fariza Erkebulankyzy, researcher, MS, assistant at the Industrial Transport Department.


  1. Kassymzhanova Aidana Donenbaykyzy, researcher, PhD, acting Associate Professor of the Industrial Transport Department.


  1. Makhasheva Inkar Sakenovna. researcher, master student gr. OPM-21-1, the IT Department.
  2. Atken Erzhan, researcher, master student gr. OPM-21-1, the IT Department.


  Information for potential consumers

The analysis of the export of grain crops from the agricultural sector of Kazakhstan shows that the practical significance of the project is beyond doubt, since the main possible effect of the introduction of a stationary lift for loading grain cargo into containers transported by railway platforms in the conditions of agricultural production (elevators) provides increasing the export of grain crops by rail transport when there is a shortage of grain wagons during the work season. Readiness for commercialization of the expected results of this project will be confirmed by a licensing agreement on the part of the private partner. If the project has funding, risks are minimized.



The target consumers of the project results can be elevators of agricultural production that export grain crops. When implementing the project, a breakthrough result is possible, which will significantly affect the development of science and technology in the field of application of lifting and transport equipment in railway transport.


AP14869933  Developing  an innovative model “Statistical analysis and information processing for research work” for distance learning, p.m. Abayeva N.F.



The idea of this project is to develop a massive online open course “Statistical analysis and information processing for research work” for distance learning, for young researchers who are faced with the global problem in the need to conduct statistical analysis and process the research results.

The project purpose.

To develop an innovative model “Statistical analysis and information processing for research work” for distance education.

Expected and achieved results:

Expected results. To increase the quality level of research work in terms of statistical processing of information. Achieved results: the MOOC “Statistical analysis and information processing for research work” was developed for distance learning on the platform of Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University NJSC, Certificate No. 9021 dated 09/04/2023, Certificate No. 9022 dated 09/04/2023.

Research team

  1. Abayeva Nella Fuatovna, project manager, Candidate of Pedagogical Science, acting. Associate Professor of the Higher Mathematics Department of Abylkas Saginov KTU. H-index – 1. ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2740-7930. Author ID in Scopus 56646612700. Researcher ID Web of Science: AAW-2197-2017. Researcher ID in Publons: AAW-2197-2017

  1. Zhurov Vitaly Vladimirovich, responsible officer, Candidate of Technical Sciences, acting Associate Professor of the Higher Mathematics Department of Abylkas Saginov KTU. H-index – 1. ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4413-8584. Author ID in Scopus 57212468207

  1. Mustafina Lezzatzhan Mukhamedzhanovna, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Higher Mathematics Department of Abylkas Saginov KTU. H-index – 1. ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9338-5960. Author ID in Scopus 56646336900

  1. Koychubekov Berik Kenzhibayevich, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of the Informatics and Biostatistics Department of Karaganda Medical University NJSC . H-index – 5. ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9338-5960. Author ID in Scopus 56507344600

  1. Alina Yarullina Rashidovna, Master of Natural Sciences, Buketov KU NJSC, doctoral student, DMat-72, Department of Algebra, Geometry and Mathematical Logic. ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6723-507X.

  1. Mergembayeva Aizhan Zhasulanovna, Master of Natural Sciences, senior teacher of the Higher Mathematics Department of Abylkas Saginov KTU.

List of publications

  1. Abayeva Nella, Zhurov Vitaliy, Abaev Rafkat “Theoretical and Methodological Foundations for the Professional Orientation of Mathematics”. University proceedings, No.3(92), 2023, p.298-303. DOI 10.52209/1609-1825_2023_3_298.
  2. Certificate of state registration of rights to the object of copyright No. 40349 dated November 9, 2023, Abayeva N.F. “MOOC “Statistical analysis and information processing for research work”: opportunities, implementation”.

Information for potential consumers

The MOOC is placed at the address:

Scope. In research work for processing the obtained research results when performing diploma and dissertation projects.

Date of information update 24.01.2024 у.
