Information of the projects of state budget financing of young scientists for 2020-2022

AR08052608 “Studying mineralogical and geochemical features of the tonsteins of the Shubarkol deposit”. Project manager D.S. Ozhigin


The relevance of this work consists in the novelty of using tonsteins for correlation of coal seams, as well as in the need to study tonsteins as hypothetical “traps” of rare earth elements for further rational use.

The project purpose

Studying the paleotectonic development of the Shubarkol deposit area and the mineralogical and geochemical features of coals and clays to establish the nature of accumulation of trace elements in coals and enclosing rocks, as well as to increase the mineral resource potential of coals.

Expected and achieved results

The analysis of the geological-structural and paleotectonic conditions of the formation of the Jurassic coal deposit has been carried out. The factors of formation of coals and coal-bearing rocks enriched with trace elements have been analyzed, their mineral forms in coals and clay interlayers have been determined, and their distribution patterns have been established.

It has been established that in the Permian-Triassic Teniz-Sarysu-Chuisky, a vast sedimentation basin is divided by the wide Sarysu-Tenizsky block uplift, with which the studied field is spatially and genetically related, into two depressions: the northern – Tenizskaya and southern – Sarysu-Chuyskaya due to the collision of the Kazakhstan continent with Tarim and the East European continent. In this regard, the formation of the collage of strike-slip structures of the Central Asian orogenic belt was completed, which in turn led to the formation of a large number of tectonic faults in the studied area. Trace elements entered the coals through the formed faults from the basement rocks due to the removal and redeposition with the participation of syn- and epigenetic processes of migration of groundwater and groundwater. It has been determined that the removal of sediments into the formation basin of the field from the massifs framing the study area, the rock massifs of the Kokchetav uplift in the north and north-west, the Kaptyadyr, Arganatinsk and Ulutau mountains in the west, which compose the chain of the Kokchetau-North-Tien-Shan ancient folded structure and the Central Kazakhstan (Devonian) volcano-plutonic belt in the east occurred due to tectonic processes in the Mesozoic-Cenozoic time, which were periodically activated in response to collision events, with active Late Cenozoic tectonic phases associated with the Indo-Eurasian collision. These structures are one of the sources of high concentrations of trace elements in coals in the areas of the Shubarkol deposit, where the concentrations of individual elements (U, Th, Ba) or elements of the siderophilic group (Ce, Sc, Zn and Sr) determined by the INAA method have been established.

Based on the results of the scanning microscopic analysis, various mineral impurities were found in the composition of the coals of the Shubarkol deposit. These are mainly aluminosilicates, sulfides and sulfates with inclusions of microparticles of rare and rare earth elements, and the results of instrumental neutron activation analysis revealed anomalous concentrations of Sc, Ta, Nb, Hf, Zr, Ba, Sr, Ce and REE. An electron microscope revealed single micron-sized rare-earth minerals. Kularite was identified in a sample of oxidized coal: a cone-shaped particle about 5 microns in size located in an aluminosilicate matrix. In a sample of oxidized coal in quantities not exceeding the first percents, a differentiated micromineral phase of siderophilic Fe and individual REE-Nd was found. The forms of the mineral occurrence and the geochemistry of some metals abnormally contained in coals have been studied. The only scandium-containing mineral particle of complex composition Si-Al-Ca-Zr-Sc-Ti-O (~ 0.66% Sc) was identified. The high content of zirconium in the coals and the low ash content of the coals of the Shubarkol deposit suggest the authigenic nature of these minerals. The correlation analysis of Nb and Ta in the coals and coal-bearing rocks of the Shubarkol deposit showed a significant correlation of elements (0.6 and 0.7, respectively), the highest significant correlation was found with Zr, Hf, Th, Sc and rare earth elements. The correlation analysis indicates the accumulation of the bulk of elements in heavy accessory minerals. An impurity of zirconium was found in a Sc-containing grain of complex composition. Celestine was identified as the main mineral form of strontium in the coals of the Shubarkol deposit; Sr-barite was also found, which was probably formed during the oxidation of coals. Both minerals are authigenic in origin.



Project manager D.S. Ozhigin D.S. carries out testing of the South Galaxy G1 GNSS receiver purchased under the project. It is used to obtain geospatial data at geological sampling sites

Research team

1      Ozhigin Dmitry Sergeyevich, project manager, PhD, senior lecturer of the MS&G department. ORCID iD 0000-0002-2443-3068. The Scopus Author ID 55827717400.

2      Amangeldіgyzy Altynai,  responsible officer, teacher of the MDD department. ORCID iD 0000-0002-6665-8804. Scopus Author ID 57208573495.

3      Kopobayeva Ayman Nygmetovna, PhD, senior teacher of the MDD department.  Scopus Author ID 57208583785. ORCID iD 0000-0002-0601-9365.

4      Blyalova Gulim Galymzhanovna, M. ScE, teacher of the MDD department. ORCID iD 0000-0001-8801-8683.

5      Askarova Nazym Srazhadinkyzy, doctoral student of the group GRM-18, the MDD  department. ORCID iD 0000-0002-2103-6198.

Scopus Author ID 57208580562

6      Ibragimova Sabina Kazhetbekovna, specialist of the Innovations and Scientific and Technical Programs, S&ID.

List of publications

Kopobayeva A.N., Amangeldikyzy A., Ozhigin D.S., Askarova N.S., Blyalova G.G. Studying rare earth elements in coals and clay layers of the Shubarkol deposit // University Proceedings. – 2020. – No. 3. – P. 48-53.

Аmangeldykyzy А., Kopobayeva A.N., Bakyt А., Ozhigin D.S., Blyalova G.G. Mineralogy and geochemistry of the Shubarkol deposit Jurassic coals // National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. – 2021. – V. 5. – No. 449. – P.  23-31.

Amangeldykyzy A., Kopobayeva A. N., Askarova N. S., Ozhigin D.S., Portnov V. S. Study of rare earth elements in the coals of the Shubarkol deposit // Complex Use of Mineral Resources. – 2021. – № 4 (319). – С. 48-56.

Kopobayeva А.N., Portnov V.S., Kim S.P., Amangeldykyzy А.,  Askarova N.S. Tectonic factors of impurity elements accumulation at the Shubarkol coal deposit (Kazakhstan) // Naukovyi Visnik Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu. – 2021. – No. 5. – P. 11-15. 

Information for potential consumers

Area of use: geology and geochemistry.

Tonsteins are widely used by geologists to correlate coal seams within coal deposits and basins, to characterize the role of volcanism in the formation of coal-bearing deposits, to assess the frequency and composition of volcanic eruptions, and to solve other problems.

AP08052014 “Developing effective methods of synthesizing azole compounds based on natural substances with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects”. Project manager Rakhimberlinova Zh.B.


Until now, there is little information about chemical methods of synthesis for the introduction of azole heterocycles into the structure of natural compounds, in particular, alkaloids, which determined the relevance and prospects of their study for the search for new bioactive compounds.

The project purpose

Developing effective methods of synthesizing azole compounds based on natural substances with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects that serve as new therapeutic properties, as well as complete determination of their structure and bioscreening of synthesized compounds using the PASS program.

Expected and achieved results

Methods of obtaining and optimal conditions for synthesizing azole derivatives based on the alkaloid cytisine and biogenic amines have been developed. Methods of preparing pyrazoles and oxazoles based on the cytisine alkaloid and biogenic amines morpholine and piperidine and their chemical modification have been developed. Possible mechanisms of reactions of their formation have been investigated, the structure of new compounds has been established. Bioscreening of new synthesized substances was carried out.

Methods of obtaining and optimal conditions for synthesizing oxozoline derivatives of the alkaloid cytisine under conditions of classical synthesis by microwave and ultrasonic activation have been developed, and their structure and biological activity have been established. Oxazole derivatives were obtained by heterocyclization of the obtained amino alcohol derivatives of the alkaloid cytisine and biogenic amines. The bioscreening of the synthesized substances was carried out.

The developed methods of preparing potentially biologically active azoles are recommended for the development of new biologically active substances and practical application in the synthesis of these classes of compounds.



Synthesis of new thiazolidine derivatives of the alkaloid cytisine and biogenic amines

Research team

1      Rakhimberlinova Zhanara Baltabayevna,  project manager, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Acting associate professor of the C&CT department. ORCID iD 0000-0002-3326-0998.

Scopus Author ID 5705873970

2      Ibraev Marat Kirimbaevich – executive answer, Doctor of Chemistry, Professor of the Department. ChiHT.ORCID iD 0000-0003-0798-5562.

Scopus Author ID 6508179234.

Researcher ID V-9320-2018.

3      Takibayeva Altynarai Temirbekovna, Ph.D., head of the C&CT department. ORCID 0000-0003-0536-0817. Scopus Author ID 12808279300

4  Kezdikbayeva Asel Taupykovna, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Inorganic and technical chemistry department,  NAO Karaganda University named after E.A. Buketov. Scopus Author ID 57191594384

5 Zhanymkhanova Pernesh Zhaidarbekovna, ME, Head of the laboratory of chemistry of alkaloids of the International Scientific and Production Holding  “Phytochemistry” JSC. Scopus Author ID 56580296600.

6 Kelmalene Assel Askarovna, Ph.D., head of the methane energy testing laboratory.RCID iD 0000-0003-3581-6256 . Scopus Author ID 57173109500.

7 Amanzholova Aidana Serikovna, M.Sc., assistant of the C&CT department.

List of publications

  1. Ibrayev M.K., Takibayeva A.T., Fazylov S.D., Rakhimberlinova Zh.B., Issabayeva M.B., Kelmyalene A.A. Some directions in the modification of azoles // News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of chemistry and technology. Volume 5, Number 443 (2020). – P. 85-91.
  2. Ibrayev M.K., Nurkenov O.A., Takibayeva A.T., Seilkhanov T.M., Rakhimberlinova Zh.B., Isabaeva M.B. Synthesis, structure and antioxidant activity of (4S, 5S) -2- (1′-bromo-2′-phenylvinyl) -3,4-dimethyl-5-phenyl-1,3-oxazolidine // Bulletin of Tver State University. Series: Chemistry, 2021. Issue 4. pp. 144-149.
  3. Nurkenov O.A., Ibrayev M.K., Rakhimberlinova Zh.B., Seilkhanov T.M., Takibaeva A.T., Isabaeva M.B. Synthesis, structure and antimicrobial activity of 2 – [(2S, 4S, 5S) -3,4-dimethyl-5-phenyloxazolidin-2-yl] benzoic acid // Bulletin of Voronezh State University. Series: Chemistry, 2021. Issue. 4. p. 33-39.
  4. Ibrayev M.K. Takibaeva A.T., Nurkenov O.A., Issabayeva M.B., Nurmagambetov Zh.S. Shulgau Z.T., Alieva M.R. 3 – ((4S, 5S) 3,4-dimethyl-5-phenyloxazolidin-2-yl) – 4H-chromen-4-one, which has antibacterial and antimycotic activity. Patent No. 34916 dated 04/23/2021
  5. Nurkenov O.A., Ibrayev M.K., Kulakov I.V., Takibaeva A.T. Heterocyclic compounds (pyrazoles, thiazoles). – Karaganda, LLP “Sanat-Polygraphy”, 2021. – 120 p.

Information for potential consumers

Area of use: pharmacology, medicine.

The research results can be useful for specialists working in the field of chemistry of fine organic synthesis, molecular design of biologically active compounds, technology for the production of organic substances, pharmacology.

AR08052553 “Designing and developing prototypes of automated production control systems, remote monitoring and diagnostics of microclimate in polymer agricultural sleeves for grain storage” . Prohect manager T.Yu. NNikonova


Scientists from all over the world are engaged in studies in the field of grain storage and selecting optimal modes. The problem of grain conservation is relevant for agriculture to this day. The significance of the project on a national scale lies in the study and development of new domestic automated decision-making systems based on the integration of modern technologies, equipment for storing grain in the field (polymer agricultural sleeves) and software and hardware for remote monitoring.

The project purpose

Designing and developing prototypes of an automated control system for the production of polymeric agricultural sleeves and an automated system for remote continuous monitoring of the microclimate in polymeric agricultural sleeves.

Expected and achieved results

The high competence of the research team made it possible to obtain the following scientific results when implementing the project stages in 2020 and 2021:

– the technical specification was developed for developing an industrial automated system for monitoring the thickness of a polymer film in real time;

– the structure and algorithm of functioning of the system for measuring and controlling the thickness of the polymer film was developed;

– a mock-up of an industrial automated system for controlling the thickness of a polymer film was made to check the correctness of the adopted technical solutions;

– laboratory tests of a model of an automated system for controlling the thickness of a polymer film were carried out;

– a set of design documentation was developed for a prototype of a polymer film thickness control system (electrical schematic diagrams, connection diagrams, layout diagrams, assembly and assembly drawings);

– a prototype of an automated system for controlling the thickness of a polymer film was made;

– a technical specification was developed for the designing of an automated control and monitoring system for the microclimate in polymer agricultural sleeves for storing grain;

– benches for the diagnostic system were made;

– experimental studies were carried out and the results were processed;

– laboratory tests of a model of an automated system for controlling the thickness of a polymer film were carried out. A test report was received indicating the comments and necessary additions from 03/31/2021;

– experimental studies of the microclimate monitoring and diagnostics system were carried out and the results were processed, which is reflected in the acts of laboratory tests of 08.16.21 and 09.09.21.

The methodology of scientific research used by the authors of the project, as well as the presence of a good material and technical base, allows speaking of reliability of the results obtained by the authors of the project.

Functional diagram of the control system for the polymer film thickness control A fragment of the frame with a carriage

When implementing the project, methods of probability theory, mathematical statistics, processing of experimental results, simulation and circuitry modeling, and the use of application software packages for industrial controllers were widely used.

In practice, proven methods and technologies of developing industrial electronics devices, software and hardware automation based on industrial controllers, intelligent sensors, SCADA systems, and devices for wireless information transmission were applied.

There is a widespread use of experimental methods including the development of specialized benches for testing the automated systems, as well as the development of technical solutions on mock-ups followed by manufacturing samples of control devices and testing in laboratory conditions. In the course of the project implementation, it was planned to carry out bench tests in modes corresponding to operational conditions. All the studies were carried out according to a single methodology, which makes it possible to judge the reliability of the results obtained.

The project plans to develop a commercialization strategy based on the conclusion of licensing agreements with industrial enterprises for the production of a hardware and software complex of automated systems. A program of concessional lending for the purchase of agricultural hoses equipped with automated systems for remote monitoring and diagnostics of the microclimate during grain storage will be developed in cooperation with Kazakhstani development institutions (in particular, with the DAMU Entrepreneurship Development Fund JSC) and second-tier banks.

Research team

1. Nikonova Tatyana Yuryevna Project manager, CTS, Acting ass.professor of the TEME&S department.

ORCID 0000-0002-6539-1263

Scopus Author ID 57202087837

2. Iskakov Ualikhan Kabibullayevich Responsible officer, PhD, teacher of the APP department

Scopus Author ID 57221097466

3. Zharkevich Olga Mikhailovna CTS, Acting professor of the TEME&S department

ORCID 0000-0002-4249-4710

Scopus Author ID 55339344600

4. Dandybayev Yessim Serikovich PhD, sn.teacher of the TEME&S department
5. Baimuldin Murat Muratovich Doctoral student of gr.GDD-19 of the MDD department
6. Коtov Yevgeni Faritovich Doctoral student of gr. EED-17, sn.teacher of the APP department

ORCID 0000-0003-2660-2010

Scopus Author ID 55842590300

7. Saifulin Ruslan Faritovich Doctoral student of gr. EED-18, teacher of the APP department

ORCID iD 0000-0003-2610-9525

Scopus Author ID 57221107446

List of publications

  1. Nikonova T.Yu., Zhetessova G.S., Zharkevich O.M., Kalinin A.A., Daich L.I., Baimuldin M.M. Review of existing automated systems for grain storage // Proceedings of the University, 3 (80) 2020, pp. 148-152
  2. Nikonova T.Yu., Zharkevich O.M., Baimuldin M.M., Berg A.S., Berg A.A. Analysis of automated grain storage systems // Electronic journal “Natural and technical sciences”, No. 10, 2020, pp. 148-152.
  3. Ualikhan Iskakov, Josif Breido, Gamzat Sundet. PLC-based adaptive relay protection system implementation // Proceedings of the 31st DAAAM International Symposium, B. Katalinic (Ed.), Published by DAAAM International, ISBN 978-3-902734-xx-x, ISSN 1726-9679, Vienna, Austria.
  4. Nikonova T.Yu., Iskakov U.K., Sichkarenko A.V., Zharkevich O.M., Dandybaev E.S. The main defects of polyethylene sleeves for storing agricultural products and methods for their elimination // Journal of Technical Research. Volume 6, No. 3. Publishing house LLC “Scientific Publishing Center INFRA-M”, p.11-19.
  5. Breido, Iossiff; Saifulin Ruslan Analysis of Starting Modes in Frequency Controlled Asynchronous Electric Drive for Mining Production Using Buffer Power Supplies, Proceedings of the 31st DAAAM International Symposium, B. Katalinic (Ed.), Published by DAAAM International, ISBN 978-3-902734, ISSN 1726-9679, Vienna, Austria.
  6. Tatyana Nikonova, Olga Zharkevich, Essim Dandybaev, Murat Baimuldin, Leonid Daich, Andrey Sichkarenko and Evgeniy Kotov. Developing a Measuring System for Monitoring the Thickness of the 6 m Wide HDPE/LDPE Polymer Geomembrane with Its Continuous Flow Using Automation Equipment. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11(21), 10045; – 27 Oct 2021;
  7. Nikonova T.Yu., Zharkevich O.M., Dandybaev E.S., Daich L.I., Sichkarenko A.V., Baimuldin M.M. Development of a stand for a system for remote monitoring and diagnostics of the microclimate in polymer sleeves for storing grain. Ed. “Sputnik +”. “Natural and technical sciences” No. 10 (161) 2021. S. 216-222;
  8. Nikonova Tatyana, Daich Leonid, Dandybaev Esim, Sichkarenko Andrey, Baimuldin Murat. Overview of Methods for Measuring Polymer Film Thickness to Create an Automated Real-Time Control System. Ed. NLC “KTU”. Proceedings of the University No. 3 (84) 2021. P.48-53. DOI 10.52209 / 1609-1825_2021_3_48
  9. Nikonova T.Yu., Baimuldin M.M., Mukusheva A.E. Equipment reliability as one of the main parameters of production modernization. In the collection: Innovations in technology and education. Collection of articles by the participants of the XIV International Scientific and Practical Conference. Kemerevo, Belovo, Novosibirsk, Veliko Tarnovo, Shumen, 2021.S. 142-145.

Information for potential consumers

Area of use. Industrial enterprises engaged in the production of polymer films, building coatings; rural and farm enterprises.

AP08052214 “Developing the internationalization potential of a technical university through digital learning technologies”. Project manager Jantasova D.D.


In recent years, the topic of the international activities of Kazakhstan universities remains one of the most important for the professional society, and the obligatory participation of universities in international rankings has added new accents to the discussion. Internationalization serves the purpose of increasing the world ranking of an education institution. World rankings are linked to specific criteria related to the university achievements and merit, but a great university will not achieve a high ranking if few people know about its existence. In addition, the presence of international students is a measurement point in most of the world ranking systems.

With full recognition of the need and benefits of developing international activities, universities have created internationalization constraints due to emigration of young people and lack of funding. Academic mobility is mainly realized only in bachelor programs, while students coming from abroad also study under bachelor programs. The main partners are the universities of the neighboring countries, namely the universities of Russia and the countries of Eastern Europe. Foreign languages ​​and intercultural communication have become the most common barriers in international cooperation, as a result of which there is a low level of programs in English and a decrease in the possibility of recruiting foreign students to a Kazakh university.

It is obvious that globalization of industrial production and internationalization of business lead to the demand for specialists with the appropriate knowledge and skills that help to adapt quickly and at the lowest cost to any new conditions and national characteristics. Since in recent years the availability of international experience among graduates has become an increasingly important factor in their successful positioning in the labor market, the university ability to provide ample opportunities for internships or even part of the study abroad is considered by the applicant as a significant advantage of the university. In turn, this strengthens the motivation of universities to develop competitiveness through the presence of foreign relations. In other words, the criterion of internationalization becomes very important in the integration of methods and technologies of teaching educational programs in technical specialties on the whole.

The project purpose

The project purpose is to develop and to implement a model of developing the potential for internationalization of a technical university through digital learning technologies, to implement sustainable and feasible strategies for internationalization of the educational process for training technical specialists, taking into account the national and international context. Assessment of the needs of the potential for internationalization, the development and implementation of measures to build the potential for the internationalization of educational programs in technical specialties based on the development of specialized competencies that allow strengthening qualifications and abilities of students and teachers at the international level.

Expected and achieved results:

– there was carried out benchmarking with selecting the group and type of benchmarking with a combination of various experts in the field of internationalization of higher professional education;

– there were studied domestic and foreign theories and practices of internationalization of the educational process of the university, identified groups of common interests and advanced methods;

– an assessment of the potential needs through SWOT analysis was carried out, an analysis of the theory and practice of internationalization of KTU was carried out. The methods of high efficiency of internationalization of the educational process of the university were revealed;

– an assessment of curricula and learning outcomes for compliance with international educational standards was carried out, international components in the curriculum were identified, an assessment of academic requirements for students and expected results was carried out. Some components were added to the working curriculum for the educational program “Mechanical Engineering” of the KTU in the trajectory “Global Engineering”;

– the aspects of classifying professional competences, the aspects of professional development of the teaching staff in accordance with international competencies with the development of a training program for teaching staff were determined;

– there were defined classifications by the key competences and the ability to be ready for a career of students, future specialists, engineers of the international level in the framework of the internationalization of education;

– the structure and main components of the model of developing the potential for internationalization of the educational process in a technical university was determined;

– an information system was developed and an e-learning space was modeled for internationalization of the educational process on the portal (based on Moodle) with presentation of massive open online courses for teaching a vocational and technical foreign language;

– there were published 2 articles in Scopus journals and 5 articles in journals recommended the CCES; received a certificate of state registration of the copyright object.

  Research team:

1. Jantassova Damira Dulatovna, project manager, Associate professor, Head of the Foreign languages department. ORCID iD 0000-0003-2595-3249; Researcher ID P-7271-2017; Scopus Author ID: 57189027014.

2. Kozhanbergenova Aigerim Soltanbekovna, M.Sc., doctoral student of ENU named after Gumilyov, OP International Relations;

ORCID iD 0000-0002-9807-482X.

3. Shebalina Olga Andreyevna, M.Sc., doctoral student of ENU named after Gumilyov, OP Sociology;

ORCID iD 0000-0001-7641-2528;

Scopus Author ID: 57207845776.

  1. Kozhanov Murat Galiaskarovich, M.Sc., Head of Informatization department of the University; ORCID iD 0000-0002-5310-9953; Researcher ID L-5040-2017; Scopus Author ID: 57299476600.
  2. Damiyev Daniel Temirgalievich, ME; ORCID iD 0000-0002-4245-6810.

List of publications and CIP:

  1. Damira Jantassova, Daniel Churchill, Aigerim Kozhanbergenova, Olga Shebalina, «Capacity Building for Internationalization at a Technical University in Kazakhstan», Education Sciences (CiteScore 2020-2.1, SJR 2020-0.453, SNIP 2020-1.204), 2021, 11(11), 735;
  2. Damira Jantassova, Murat Kozhanov, Olga Shebalina, «Digital Platform as a Tool for Internationalization: Model for Formation of International Competences’ Database Applying of Hierarchy Analysis Method», Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology (CiteScore 2020 -1.3, SJR 2020- 0.153, SNIP 2020 -0.410), 15th November 2021, Vol.99, No 21,
  3. Jantassova DD, Constance Devereaux “On the development of the potential for internationalization of a technical university” // Bulletin of Karaganda University Series “Pedagogy”. – No. 3 (99). – 2020. – P.6-11. 2020_pedagogics_3_99_2020.pdf (
  4. D. Jantassova, Dorin Isoc. Problems of the development of foreign language communication skills of students of non-linguistic specialties. Bulletin of Karaganda University Series “Pedagogy”. -No. 4 (100). – 2020 – P.145-154. DOI: 10.31489 / 2020Ped4 / 145-154 <4D6963726F736F667420576F7264202D202BD2E8F2F3EB5FCFE5E4E0E3EEE3E8EAE020323032302D34> (
  5. D. Jantassova. Internationalization of higher education as a factor in the competitiveness of a technical university// Pedagogy zhane psychology. Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai. Republican scientific and methodological publication, 2021, No. 1, 54-61, impact factor for KazBC-0.197. View “Internationalization of Higher Education as a Factor of Competitiveness of a Technical University” | Pedagogy and psychology (
  6. D. Jantassova, E.A. Zhdanov “Benchmarking as an effective tool in managing the quality of the educational process of a technical university”, Bulletin of the KarSU series “Pedagogy”, 2021, No. 1 (101), 19-25, impact factor for KazBC-0.105. <4D6963726F736F667420576F7264202D20D2E8F2F3EB5FCFE5E4E0E3EEE3E8EAE020323032312D31> (
  7. D. Jantassova, A.S. Kozhanbergenova, OA Shebalina “Analysis of foreign models for the design of educational programs in mechanical engineering for the internationalization of technical education” Scientific journal “Bulletin of Toraigyrov University” Pedagogical series №3 – 2021, 408-416, impact factor for KazBC 0.24. 7f760d6e-edc3-40b5-bff9-8256c431b1ea_education 3.2021 (spreads) .pdf (
  8. CIP for the Information System for Internationalization of STEM University No. 19956 dated August 27, 2021/Jantassova Damira Dulatovna, Kozhanov Murat Galiaskarovich, Shebalina Olga Andreyevna, Kozhanbergenova Aigerim Soltanbekovna.

Information for potential consumers

A model of developing the potential for internationalization of a technical university, a developed information system and a simulated e-learning space for internationalization of the educational process will be introduced to implement sustainable measures for internationalization of technical specialties.
