Information Day in KSTU library

The library invites you to ‘Information day’ on 18-19 January 2017.

These days you will be able to see the new literature in the library fund from 10 am to 17 pm (for the II half of 2016).

We are waiting for you in the e-reading room (room No.254, main building)

The program of Information day

  1. Exhibition of the new literature.
  2. Review of periodicals on the most urgent problems of science, higher education and areas of interest from a professional point of view.
  3. Advice on ‘How to follow new publications and publications, the right bibliographic search of necessary information, as well as the order of getting publications’.
  4. Surveys identifying user awareness about the library services.
  5. The checklist of SDI circulation department (selective dissemination of information).