“Honorary student”

Karaganda state technical university

Karaganda, B.Mira, 56

Теl./fax: 56-88-01  

Informational message

Email: kargtu@kstu.kz                                                                                                                    

www.kstu.kz  September 10, 2013


Dear editors and journalists!

September 12, 2013 in the Assembly hall of the main building of KSTU in the framework of the extended meeting of the scientific Council will be held an awarding of certificates to award the title «Honorary student» to 18 graduates of KSTU, and who made great contribution to the development of Karaganda region. To the title “Honorary student” of KSTU are presented: akim of Karaganda M.A. Smagulov, Secretary of the city maslikhat K.N. Ospanov, General Director of LLP corporation «Kazakhmys» G.T. Оmarkhanov, head of the Department of MINT RK informed U.K. Erzhanov, Head of the regional Department of housing S. Kasimov and others.

By decree of the Central Committee of trade Union of coal industry workers of Kazakhstan, at the meeting will be awarded with a badge “Miner’s glory of III degree”, rector of KSTU A.M. Gazaliyev and Professor of the Department of Energy» K. B. Кyzyrov.
At  Scientific Council rector of KSTU, academician of NAS RK A. M. Gazaliyev will act with report on the initial tasks for the 2013-2014 academic year for innovative development of educational services. Also reports will be presented by the first Vice-rector of KSTU A.Z. Isagulov, Pro-rector on Academic Affairs V.V. Egorov.
The beginning of the extended meeting is at 15.30.
