Help for large, low-income families

On March 19, 2022, on the eve of the Nauryz holiday, the staff of the RMPI department held a charity event “Help for large, low-income families”. Assistance was provided to Galia Kushova. In addition to basic necessities, children were given toys and sweet gifts.

The following employees of the RMPI department took an active part in the charity event:

Imashev A. Zh., Zamaliev N. M., Asainov S. T., Isabek T. K., Demin V. F., Musin R. A., Abeuov E. A., Usenbekov M. S., Baikenzhin M A., Baymuldin M. K., Zhumabekov M. N., Takhanov D. K., Zeitinova Sh. B., Zakharov A. M., Isagulov S. T., Stefluuk Yu. M., Yeskenova G. B. ., Zhunis G. M., Khusan B., Khalikova E. R., Rabatuly M., Zhumabekova A. E., Yesen A. M., Rakhimova A. B., Mataev A. K., Karataev A. D ., Ivadilinova D. T., Mustafina R. U.
