Head of the department of Foreign Languages

Department of Foreign Languages




Head of Foreign Languages Department:

Джантасова Дамира Дулатовна

PhD (Teacher Education)

Certified British Council trainer

Alumni of U.S. Department programs,

Owner of “The Best University Teacher’2015”Award

Member of the Advisory Board of Kazakhstan Association of English Teachers (KazTEA)


Member of TESOL’2009 (USA)

Member CALICO’2008 (USA)

Member of IATEFL’2010 (United Kingdom)


1996-2000 Faculty of Foreign Languages, Karaganda State University named after E.A. Buketov.  Diploma with honors, specialty 030119 “Foreign Language”.

2002-2004  traineeship, Buketov Karaganda University,  No. 13.00.08 «Theory and methodology of professional education», defense of the thesis with award of PhD (Teacher Education).


2000 – 2002  teacher of the department of the practice of the speech of the English language. KSU named after E.A. Buketov

2002 – 2004 post-graduate student of the Chair of Methods of Teaching English, KSU, work on the dissertation research “Formation of readiness of future teachers of foreign languages ​​for work in the distance learning system”, cipher 13.00.08 “Theory and methodology of professional education”

2004 – 2005 leading specialist – translator of the Center for Strategic Development and International Cooperation of the KSU.

2005 – 2010 S. teacher of the Department of Methods of Teaching English in the University.

2010 – 2011 Associate Professor of the Department of Russian and Foreign Languages of ​​KSTU.

2011-2017  Head of the Department of Foreign Languages of KSTU.

Since February 2017 Director of the Center for International Cooperation and Academic Mobility.

2017 – present days Head of the Department of Foreign Languages of KSTU.

Professional membership in international organizations:

President of the National Association of Teachers of the English Language of Kazakhstan (2009-2012)

Member of the International American Union of Teachers of English TESOL’2009 (USA)

Member of the European Association of English Teachers IATEFL’2010 (England)

Member of the International CALICO’2008 Computer Linguistic Consortium (USA)

Scientific-academic grants, awards:

U.S. State Department Scholarship, visiting professor,JFDP’2006, Iowa State University, January –June, 2006


British Council Scholarship, Joint project STA, Member of Peer Support Review Group, making evaluation of organization of the NELTA conference and management of NELTA, Katmandu, Nepal. February 17-23, 2008

U.S. State Department Scholarship. E-course “English as a Second Language Assessment”, Indiana University, USA, 2008

British Council Grant, training seminar “Leadership and Mentoring Training”. Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2008

U.S. State Department Scholarship. EFL Program. Educators Workshop, Denver, CO & Washington, DC USA. 24 March-7 April, 2009


British Council Grant. Participant. IATEFL Conference and exhibition. Harrogate, UK. April 24-28, 2010

U.S. State Department Grant, CATEC’2007. Tajikistan, Dushanbe.

U.S. State Department Grant, CATEC’2008. Kyrgyzstan, Issyk-Kul.

U.S. State Department Grant, CATEC’2009. Turkmenistan, Ashkhabad.

Research Connect program’2015, British council trainer

Owner of “The Best University Teacher’2015”Award, Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan

Scientific and methodical works:

100 publications, including textbooks, learning language software, scientific articles in the journals of Scopus, Web of Science.

Selected Scientific&Academic Publications

  1. Jantassova D.D., Tentekbayeva Zh.M. «Multilingual education of university students as a factor of crosscultural communication efficiency». Вестник ЕНУ им. Л.Н. Гумилева: Серия «Психология, Педагогика, Социология», 2020. – №1 (130) – С.53-59
  2. Джантасова Д.Д., Constance Deveraux «К вопросу о развитии потенциала интернационализации высшего технического образования». Вестник КарГУ: Серия «Педагогика», 2020. – №3 (99)
  3. Хамитова, З. Ж., Джантасова Д.Д., Тугамбекова М.А. Actuality of trilingual education of children in Kazakhstan // Молодой ученый. — 2015. — № 9 (89). — С. 1432-1435. https://moluch.ru/archive/89/17838/
  4. Джантиасова Д.Д., Констанс Деверо «К вопросу о развитии потенциала интернационализации технического вуза» // Вестник Карагандинского университета Серия «Педагогика» №3 (99). – 2020.- С.6-11.
  5. Zhdanova E., Beiskhanova S., Jantassova D., Yarema T. The functional significance of metaphors in the works by Oscar Wilde – “An Ideal husband”, “A woman of no mportance”, “Lady Windermere’s fan”, “The importance of being earnest” / European Journal of Natural History. 2019. № 1. С. 39-45.
  6. Jantassova D. The Solution of Teaching English as A Foreign Language Integrating with Kazakh and Russian Languages to Students of Kazakhstan Technical Universities //Журнал Procedia Social and Behavioral, 177 (1-3). 2015. – С. 136-141. https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/procedia-social-and-behavioral-sciences/vol/177/suppl/C
  7. Ibatov M., Zhetessova G., Smirnova G., Jantassova D. Project on Designing Competenсe-oriented Degree programs in Kazakhstan // Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Volume 917, 2019, pages 163-173. (Scopus)
  8. Ibatov M., Zhetessova G., Smirnova G., Jantassova D.Training of New Formation Engineering Pedagogical Personnel to Implement the Industrial and Innovation Policy of Kazakhstan // Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Volume 917, 2019, pages 945-956 (Scopus).
  9. Jantassova D. The solution of teaching English as a foreign language integrating with Kazakh and Russian languages to students of Kazakhstan Technical Universities // GLOBE-EDU, USA, 2015.- p. 136-141. (Web of Science)
  10. Jantassova D., Smirnova G., Gotting V. Environmental tendencies in engineering education Proceeding Book of 2015 International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning, ICL, 2015. – С.733-736. ( Scopus)
  11. Джантасова Д.Д., Ахметова Д.Р. Using MOOCS in teaching ESP / Сборник трудов 6-ой международной научно-практической конференции молодых ученых «Мир науки без границ», г. Тамбов: Из-во ТГТУ, 2019г. – С.234-238;
  12. Jantassova D., Tugambekova M., Sulemenova U. Intercultural literacy is critical to success in a foreign country // Australian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2015. – №1-2. – P.151-155.
  13. About the role of multilingual education in socio-cultural space of the Republic of Kazakhstan // Россия, Наука и образование: новое время, № 3, 2018 (0,044)
  14. Лексико-грамматические особенности и стилистический потенциал английских текстов медицинской тематики // Россия, Наука и образование: новое время, № 3, 2018 (0,044)
  15. Jantassova D., Izotova A. Multilingualism as one of the modern education priorities in Kazakhstan // Россия, «Наука и образование: новое время», № 2, 2018 (0,044)
  16. Дубровская Т.В., Барабаш О.В., Ковальский Г., Лобина Ю.А., Жолнерик А.И., Дронова О.В., Харламова Т.А., Джантасова Д.Д., Васляева М.Ю. Языки для специальных целей: проблемы, методы, перспективы. Коллективная монография Пенза: Из-во ПГУ, 2015г. – 222с.
  17. Асавбаева Г.Б., Бейсханова С.А., Джантасова Д.Д., Доценко Т.И., Жданова Э.А., Лещенко Ю.Е., Окушева К.К., Остапенко Т.С., Тютюнников Н.Н. Проблемы языкознания, теории языка и прикладной лингвистики. Монография. Новосибирск, 2015 – 194с.

18.Джантасова Д.Д. Разработка инновационной технологии интегрированного обучения языкам. Monograph. Germany: Pub. House LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2016 – 240p.

19.Джантасова Д.Д., Джантасова А.Д. Цифровые технологии в дистанционном обучении иностранным языкам. Материалы международной научно-практической конференции «Отрытое дистанционное образование как форма проявления глобализации: опыт, проблемы и перспективы развития»,Karaganda: Pub. House КЭУК, 2016. – p.245-251.

20.Джантасова Д.Д.,Калижанова А.Н., Бейсембина А.К., Утешева А.Е. Роль английского языка в строительной специальности. Scientific article. Collection of articles of the XVI International Research Competition. Penza: Pub. House  МЦНС «Наука и просвещение», 2018. – P.301-305.

21.Джантасова Д.Д., Ben Taylor Strategies for integrating English into stem university courses. Труды международной научно-практической конференции «Интеграция науки , образования и производства – основа реализации Плана нации» (Сагиновские чтения №10). Караганда: Из-во КарГТУ, 2018 г. –P.57-22.Джантасова Д.Д., Махметова М.К. Professional English in Mechanical Engineering. Karaganda: Pub. House КарГТУ 2018 – 66p.

23.Джантасова Д.Д., Сагиндыкова А.С. Professional English for Standardization, Certification and Metrology. Electronic textbook. Certificate of Intellectual Property No. 2212  02.06.18

24.Джантасова Д.Д., Кельдибаева А.Е. «Қазақ және ағылшын тілдерін оқыту барысында көркем мәтіндерде қолданылған айшықты сөздердің мәтінтүзім қызметі». Monograph. Nursultan: Pub. House « Бас принт», 2019. – 116 p.

25.Джантасова Д.Д., Болат А.Ж., Әлкен С.Х., Изотова А.С., Ярема Т.В. «Rukhani Zhangyru-spiritual renovation through English». Textbook. Karaganda: KTU Publ. House, 2020.-223p.

26.Джантасова Д.Д., Токумбаева А.А., Ботаева А.У. «Қазақ және ағылшын тілдерінде амалдың қарқындылығын білдіретін тілдік құралдар». Article  “Bulletin of the Kokshetau University named after Sh. Ualikhanov”Philological Series” No. 4(2) – 2020.

27.Джантасова Д.Д., Дорин Исок «Тілдік емес мамандық студенттерінің коммуникативті біліктерін дамыту мәселелері». Bulletin of KSU Pedagogy Series, 2020. – №4 (100). – Pp.145-154 (КазБЦ – 0.053).

28.Джантасова Д.Д., Ахметова Д.Р. «Инновационная подготовка инженеров посредством интеграции Art-компонента в STEM университет». Bulletin of KU Pedagogy Series, 2021. – No. 4. – pp.45-50 (КазБЦ 0.053).

  1. Jantassova D., Daniel Churchill «Capacity Building for Internationalization at a Technical University in Kazakhstan». Scientific article. Switzerland, Magazine «Education Sciences» Vol. 11, Issue 11, 735 – 2021 Scopus (1.197) Quartile: Q1.

30.Джантасова Д.Д., Ахметова Д.Р. «Изучение зарубежной теории и практики применения STEAM подхода в высшем образовании». Scientific and methodological journal “Pedagogy and Psychology” No. 3(48) – 2021 КазБЦ (0.003).

31.Джантасова Д.Д., Мустапаева О.Т, “The Basics of the Digital Aerial Photography” Study guide Karaganda: KTU Publ. House, 2021.-113p.

32.Джантасова Д.Д., Кожанбергенова А.С., Шебалина О.А. «Научные подходы для разработки модели развития потенциала интернационализации технического университета». Scientific journal  «Вопросы педагогики», 2022. – №6 (June). – С. 45-52 (РИНЦ – 0,077)

33.Джантасова Д.Д., Кожанбергенова А.С., Шебалина О.А. «Модель развития потенциала интернационализации технического вуза». A scientific work. СИС № 24024 от 01.03.2022.

34.Джантасова Д.Д., Исина Н.Т.Project-based Learning in Teaching Communication Skills in ESL.  Study guide. Karaganda: KTU Publ. House, 2022.-98p.

35.Джантасова Д.Д., Инновационная подготовка инженеров через STEAM образование: монография. Алматы: Smart University Press, 2022. – 204с. ISSN 2518-1793.

36.Jantassova D., Lodhi Rab Nawaz, Asif Muhammad ERP Post Implementation Success: A Bibliometric Analysis. Article.  Scientific and technical journal “Proceedings of the University” No. 2 (91). Section “Pedagogy of higher education. Economy” – 2023 г. – С.244-251 (КазБЦ – 0,02). DOI 10.52209/1609-1825_2023_2_244.

Scientific and pedagogical interests:

Teaching English as a Second Language

Teacher Education

Second Language Acquisition

Computer-Assisted Language Teaching

Cognitive Linguistics

Content-Integrated Language Learning

Интернационализация высшего образования


Research projects:

  1. TEMPUS QUEECA 530326-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-IT-TEMPUS-SMGR: Quality of Engineering Education in Central Asia: team member-researcher (2012-2015).
  2. Project of grant financing for 2012-2014by the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan, «Development of innovative methodological technologies for language training of specialists in technical higher institutions of RK», research leader (2012-2014).
  3. Research project “READ RAS Small Grant Program”, World Bank Russian Office, тема “Developing framework of school effectiveness in the context of Kazakhstan”, research leader (2017-2018).
  4. Project of grant financing for 2020-2022 by the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan, «Capacity Building for internationalization of technical university», research leader (2020-2022).


Contact information:

  • Address: Karaganda, Nursultan Nazarbayev Avenue, 56, academic building No.1, office 526
  • Time to attend for personal matters: Wednesday from 11:00 to 12:00
  • Work phone: 1152, 2034, room #526a
  • E-mail: d.dzhantasova@kstu.kz

