Golden Gefest-2013

We remind, that on June 12, 2013 in Astana under the official support of the Ministry of Iindustry and New technologies of Kazakhstan will be held National industrial competition «Gold Gefest». The contest will be held in the following nominations:

Professional of the year:

Geologist of the year

Miner of the year

Steel-worker of the year

2. Project of the year

3. Leader of the year on innovations

4. Leader on Kazakhstani content

5. Scholar-teacher of the year

6. Diploma project of the year

7. Media project of the year:

The best journalistic work on MMC in print and Internet resources

The best journalistic work on MMC on TV

The best journalistic material on Man of labour in the MMC (special prize)

8. The best solution in the field of energy saving (reward from ENRC)

The list of participants should be presented  before April 30, 2013 to DN (main building, 226 room).
