Forum “Karaganda UN model”

November 10,  2012 from 09.00 to 18.00, in the main building of Karaganda State Technical University in 337, 339 lecture halls was held Forum «Karaganda UN Model».
Karaganda State Technical University, KSTU Association of student organizations «Zhas Orda» organized Forum «Karaganda UN Model 2012» on theme «Innovations in youth policy»

UN Model – youth conference of international format, representing collective role-playing game, in the course of which simulate work of the regular session of the United Nations. At the session, within the scope of parliamentary procedure rules, used by the UN, actual problems of international relations are discussed. Each participant of the conference, acts in the role of Plenipotentiary representative of the state-member of UN in one of the simulated bodies of Organization and in accordance with the Principles of Model, must defend national interests of represented state, taking into account position of the state on discussed question of order-paper. Result of work of  each body is the adoption of the final document – resolution containing recommendations for solution of the discussed problems.

Game has a status of a scientific-practical conference and implies:
• serious preparation of delegate on topical issues of UN order-paper
• discussion of key issues of contemporary international relations from the position of national interests of represented member state of UN
• knowledge of procedure rules, writing format and discussion of UN resolutions
• development of negotiation skills, ability to work in a team, as well as the acquisition of experience of public speaking and improvement of oratory.

Representatives of universities and various youth organizations took participation in this forum: Bolashak, KSU, KEU, Kazakhstan Students’ Alliance, YW “Zhas Otan”, PDP “Nur Otan”, “Zhasyl El”, Students-construction team and also pupils who passed registration procedure. More than 130 people took participation in forum.

Participants took active participation in discussion of such kind of problems as education level, housing, unemployment among young people and religious extremism.
