A festive parade devoted to Day of Children’s Protection of Karaganda

Day of Children’s Protection

The first parade children’s musical ensembles and orchestras was held today in the regional center in celebration of International Children’s Day. In total, the parade was attended by over 2 thousand students from urban schools and students from 20 educational institutions of Karaganda region.

The participants started from the square of Independence. Musicians and dancers marched in the Cascade square, and then down the street of Soldiers-Internationalists and along the main alley of the Central Park where solemn program was held.

The purpose of this event is to support and develop the main street festival processions of schoolchildren and students as a factor of aesthetic and patriotic education in the conditions of realization of the national idea “Mangilik El”.

Activists of students’ Trade Union Organization “Zhas Orda” and the student members of creative groups such as brass band, dombra ensemble, studio of modern dance attended the procession with KSTU.

“Orchestral music is the decoration of the events, that creates a festive atmosphere. Our orchestra performs at conferences, student holidays, the veterans and orphanages. Today we were lucky enough to become witnesses and participants of the solemn columns on such bright holiday as the Day of Protection of Children”, the members of brass band say.

