Famous people

In honor of the celebration of one of the main dates in the calendar of our republic, the Independence Day of Kazakhstan, the teachers and students of the college decided to congratulate the person who stood at the origins of our country’s independence of the honorable citizen of Karaganda- Drizhd N.A, doctor of technical sciences, professor, academician of the international academy sciences of ecology, human and nature safety. On his account, a lot of professional and state merit. Meeting with Nikolai Alexandrovich was held at the Department of Open Field Development and Mineral Resources, despite his respectable age, he is still actively working and sharing his knowledge with the younger generation. Nikolay Alexandrovich told about the beginning of his career and about his career, which led him to high awards. He wished good words of farewell to the students and punished aspiring to the heights and to achieve the set goals and stressed that the formation of a citizen begins from the college walls. For their part, the administration, faculty and students of the college wished good health and long years of life and inexhaustible energy in their work.
