Excursion to the KarLag Museum

28.10.2023 teachers of the Department of History of Kazakhstan Kasimova S.S. and Sh.M. Temirzhanova organized an excursion to the KarLAG Museum in the village of Dolinka. The excursion was organized as part of the implementation of the state program “Rukhani Zhangyru” with the aim of patriotic education and familiarization of the younger generation with the history and culture of their native land. The excursion was attended by 1st year students of FEAT, GF, MF, FIT (49 people in total). The museum was created with the aim of researching and preserving the historical monuments of KARLAG and perpetuating the memory of innocent victims of correctional labor camps located on the territory of Kazakhstan. The museum guide told about the violent policy pursued in the thirties in the USSR, about the tragic fate of the victims of Stalin’s repressions. The students visited the hall where the situation of the commandant’s office was restored, in the halls that were decorated as cells for prisoners. On the walls of the Karlag there were famous people, figures of science and culture, such as A.N.Chizhevsky, N. Sats.
