Report of the excursion to the Museum. 23-11-2019

On November 23, 2019, students of the TDF LOG-19-1 group (curator Shegebaeva G.E.) went on an excursion to the regional historical and local lore museum of the Karaganda city.

Students got acquainted with national traditions with great interest, how over the centuries our ancestors maintained a unique way of life, habitat, with many prominent writers and honored cultural and art workers who lived and worked in Karaganda, as well as were able to see and appreciate the scale of modern industrial, space and intellectual development of our region.

Purpose of the tour is to promote further development of patriotism through the study of the native land history, the implementation of special project “Tugan Zher” within the frame of the program “Ruhani zhangyru”.

Lecturer of the «HM» Department Shegebaeva G.E.
