Department of “Foreign Languages” of Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University held an educational event on 6th December, 2023 at 10.55: round table “What I don`t know about HIV/AIDS”

The educational event took place on 6th of December at 10.55 in Building 1, 421 classroom. The event was attended by more than 50 students, as well as teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages.

In modern society, health issues, especially those related to infectious diseases, require special attention. In this context, educational activities aimed at educating students become a key tool for the formation of a healthy lifestyle and the development of social responsibility. One of such events was the topic “What I don’t know about HIV/AIDS”, conducted by students in cooperation with a guest doctor from a specialized center.

The event started with self-analysis of the participants, who discussed their ideas about HIV/AIDS. This stage, conducted by the teacher Aitbaeva S.H., allowed to create a platform for exchange of opinions and development of an open dialog. Then the stage was taken by an invited guest, a doctor from Karaganda Regional AIDS Center, Irina Aleksandrovna Venchikova, who gave an in-depth presentation covering all aspects of the disease.

The students received not only basic facts about HIV/AIDS, but also learned about the ways of transmission, methods of protection and the importance of support for patients. A social video presented by the doctor added an emotional component, allowing the participants to better understand the psychological aspects of the disease.

Further, the students, under the guidance of lecturer S.K. Mauletova, actively interacted with the passed material by presenting a presentation in English. This stage promoted in-depth assimilation of information and development of communication skills. The quiz, conducted after the presentations by teacher Babzhanova R. Zh., not only strengthened the acquired knowledge, but also motivated the participants to be active and strive for better mastering of the material.

The final stage of the event was conducted by the senior lecturer Yarema T.V., which included situational tasks, students solved in mini-teams. This form of work stimulated collective thinking and facilitated the discussion of issues on a practical level.

Summarizing the event, it can be noted that it not only enriched students’ knowledge about HIV/AIDS, but also emphasized the importance of educational activities to maintain health in the educational environment. By developing awareness and active participation, students become more informed and responsible citizens, able to contribute to disease prevention and the creation of a healthy society.
