On the defense of the doctoral dissertation of Vorobkalo Nina Ruslanovna

The defense of the doctoral dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the educational program 8D07203 – «Metallurgy» by doctoral candidate Vorobkalo Nina Ruslanovna on the topic «Research and development of smelting technology for new complex titanium containing ferroalloy» will take place at the NPJSC «Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University». 

Language of defense: Russian.

The work was carried out at the «Nanotechnology and Metallurgy» department of the NpJSC «Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University», in the «Pyrometallurgical Processes» laboratory and at the experimental site of the Zh. Abishev Chemical-Metallurgical Institute, part of the research related to the study of the physicochemical properties of a new complex titanium-containing ferroalloy was carried out at the Institute of Metallurgy of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation).


Official reviewers:

  1. Zhunusov Ablay Kairtasovich – candidate of technical sciences, head of the department of «Metallurgy», associate professor (docent) of NJSC «Toraighyrov university», Pavlodar, Kazakhstan;
  2. Sariev Otegen Rafkhatovich – candidate of technical sciences, docent of the department of «Metallurgy and Mining», Aktobe Regional University named after. K. Zhubanova, Aktobe, Kazakhstan.


Scientific consultants: 

  1. Issagulov Aristotel Zeynullinovich – doctor of technical sciences, зrofessor of the department of «Nanotechnology and metallurgy» of the NPJSC «Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University», Karaganda, Kazakhstan;
  2. Baisanov Alibek Sailaubaevich – candidate of technical sciences, professor, head of the laboratory «Pyrometallurgical processes», the Zh. Abishev Chemical-Metallurgical Institute, Karaganda, Kazakhstan;
  3. Zayakin Oleg Vadimovich – doctor of technical sciences, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, chief researcher, head of the laboratory «Steel and Ferroalloys», Institute of Metallurgy, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation.


Temporary members of the Dissertation Council:

  1. Kaliakparov Altai Gindullinovich – doctor of technical sciences, metallurgy expert of ERG Capital Projects LLP, Astana, Kazakhstan;
  2. Bogomolov Alexey Vitalievich – candidate of technical sciences, professor of the department of «Metallurgy», NJSC «Toraighyrov university», Pavlodar, Kazakhstan;
  3. Alexandrov Alexander Alexandrovich – candidate of technical sciences, acting head of the laboratory «Physico-Chemistry of Metallic Melts named after Academician A.M. Samarin», Senior Researcher at the A.A. Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation;
  4. Abdulina Saule Amangeldyevna – PhD, associate professor, professor of the NAO «D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan Technical University», Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan;
  5. Tolymbekova Lyazat Baigabylovna – PhD, associate professor, docent of the department of «Metallurgy», NJSC «Toraighyrov university», Pavlodar, Kazakhstan.


Defense will take place: June 20, 2024, at 14.00 o’clock at the address: M00A1X4, Karaganda, Nursultan Nazarbayev Avenue, 56/2, room 206, Mining faculty of the NJSC «Abylkas Saginov Karagandy Technical University».


Website address: https://www.kstu.kz/category/obyavleniya-o-zashhite-doktorskoj-dissertatsii/

Zoom video conference link:


Conference ID: 817 747 1284

Access code: pTWj3B

E-mail: nina.timirbaeva23@gmail.com

Informal reviews on the content of the dissertation for further presentation for defense should be sent to the e-mail of the scientific secretary of the dissertation Council to Sherbakova Elena Petrovna, e-mail: sherbakova_1984@mail.ru.
