“Dedication to students”

On September 29, 2023, an annual event for 1st year students “Dedication to Students” was held at the College of Innovative Technologies of Karaganda Technical University of the Abilkas Saginov. It has become an annual tradition at which the director of the college, Nurbibi Absadykovna Smagulova, presents all first-year students with credit and student books. And the activists of the college opened this concert with the patriotic song “Men kazakpyn”. The performances of students with dancing and playing national musical instruments were also noted. The curators of the 1st year, the parents of the students made parting words. Also at this event, the results of the elections to the student Parliament “Zhiger” were summed up, and the President of the Parliament, the Prime Minister and the Ministers of the factions were honored. The teaching staff of the College of Innovative Technologies wishes all first-year students good luck, good studies and become qualified professionals!
