Dear people of Kazakhstan!

We congratulate you on People’s unity Day!

     It is a special day for all of us! Historically Kazakhstan became native land for representatives of more than one hundred and fifty nationalities.

     For more than twenty years Our country not sharing on national attributes, demonstrates a real example of friendship and unity to all world community. Interethnic and inter-confessional agreement, political stability and confidence in the future – these are achievements of Independent Kazakhstan.

     Special contribution to strengthening of interethnic friendship contributes Assembly of Kazakhstan’s people. Activity of this unique organization is aimed to representatives of all nations of the country to have equal right for development of own cultures, preservation of the native language, traditions and customs. Cultural centres, non-governmental organizations and other public associations also play an important role. Representatives of different nations and ethnic groups consider our sacred land as own Motherland. Duty of everyone is – to make contribution into realization of the main programme: “Strategy “Kazakhstan – 2050”: one nation- one country – one destiny”. Only together we can overcome all difficulties and build prosperous and flourishing state!

     Karaganda State Technical University congratulates people of Kazakhstan on this wonderful holiday! We wish you strong health, prosperity, peace, kindness and harmony in every house!
