Dear editors and journalists!

January 9, 2015 at 9: 00 in the Assembly hall of the Main building of the Karaganda state Polytechnic University for teachers of the University will be re-checked on the issues of religious extremism. Before testing 115 people will listen to an introductory lecture on this topic that will be read by the Chairman of the PA “Nurly Bilim” Syzdykov Rustem Malikovich.In the process of learning will be discussed the improvement of preventive work in the field of religions, coordinated and well-coordinated work of all social segments in combating destructive religious movements. It will be noted the need to strengthen the prevention of religious extremism in society, especially in youth, as well as the formation of religious consciousness appropriate to the traditions and cultural values of the secular state – the Republic of Kazakhstan, where there interfaith peace and harmony, respects and promotes the human rights of both believers and citizens who hold atheistic beliefs.

The organizers: KSTU and SI “Department of religious Affairs of Karaganda region”.
