“Day of Languages – a symbol of friendship and unity of all citizens of Kazakhstan”

The brightest and the most memorable event of September for KSTU was the celebration of the “Day of Languages – a symbol of friendship and unity of all citizens of Kazakhstan”, which was held on September 21, 2017 in the Palace of Students “Zhastar Alemi”. The organizers of the event were the Department of Foreign Languages under the leadership of the head of the department, associate professor, Ph.D. Djantasova Damira Dulatovna and responsible for the educational work of the Department of “Foreign Languages” (teacher of English) Izotova Aigerim Serikovna.

This event was held with the aim of inculcating in students interest in knowledge of state, Russian and foreign languages, education of patriotism through studying the cultural heritage of the people.

Currently, the  language policy in Kazakhstan is aimed at developing the cultural heritage of all ethnic groups living on hospitable Kazakh land. In connection with which the Decree of the President of the Republic of January 20, 1998, with the aim of fostering love and respect for the native language and his country and expanding knowledge of languages and traditions of different nationalities, September 22 was declared as the Day of Languages of the Peoples of Kazakhstan.

According to the current legislation, every citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan has the right to use his native language, to choose freely the language of communication, upbringing, education and creativity.

And this is the objective, because language is a means of education and a support linking the relationship of people. In turn, the Day of Languages ​​is a sign of friendship, kinship and unity of all citizens of the country.

Language is the backbone of friendship, language is a special tool that promotes the rapprochement of people.

A festive event with sincere and sincere greetings in 3 languages ​​was opened by the leading ones (Cherubayev Sanzhar student, State Duma 17-5 and Uspan Tomiris student ST 15-2p). After that, the national anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan sounded.

Despite some embarrassment among students in the first few minutes, the representative of the US Embassy, ​​the English Language Fellow program, Master of Arts, Benjamin Taylor, could easily relax the audience with his inspirational and thankful speech.

Throughout the event, talented students from the 1st and 2nd courses of KSTU performed on stage. Every performance the audience was greeting with an ovation.

The first with a wonderful song in the Kazakh language “Tugan zherim” were the students of the IS-17-1 group Zholtayeva Gulden and Serikova Aidanayu. Further, the student of the group Met 17-1 Kizyraynov Beksultan masterfully played on dombra, and Magzumbaev Alikhan from the group MASH 16-1p sang the song “Attention” in a duet with the student of the group TT-16-1 Tugelbaev Marat, who accompanied him on the guitar. Also there was the song, which was sung on Spanish and Russian languages ​​by Asatov Kanat, a student of the VT-17-2 group.

In addition, the guests of the event had an opportunity for half an hour to enjoy the charming Kazakh, incendiary Indian and equally attractive Uzbek dances.

At the end of the event, the presenters once again congratulated everyone with the Day of Languages ​​of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as presented thankful letters to all speakers. It was a very positive, interesting and bright holiday !!     Thanks to everyone for their active participation !!
