“Creative Competition ‘A World Full of Kindness’: Students Express Gratitude Through Creativity”

In Kazakhstan, 1 March is celebrated as Gratitude Day. Above all, it is a time for people to express gratitude for the well-being, peace and stability of the country. In a world where things are not always easy, the holiday of gratitude reminds us of the value of the peace and harmony we have.

Gratitude Day also stimulates social consciousness and a culture of appreciation. It is a time when people actively express their gratitude not only for material goods, but also for the support of family, friends, colleagues and all who have contributed to their lives.

On 1 March, in honour of the day of gratitude, the Department of Foreign Languages held a creative competition “A World Full of Kindness”. The event was a powerful demonstration of how talent and inspiration can serve as a powerful tool for expressing gratitude.

During the event, students demonstrated their skills on stage and expressed their gratitude to their homeland, family, friends and teachers through their creativity. They used various forms of creativity, from singing songs to playing musical instruments, from reciting poems to showing videos, creating an atmosphere full of emotion and inspiration.

Students of group RET-23-1 under the guidance of lecturer S.K. Mauletova prepared a video clip thanking the teachers of their department, and also presented an exhibition of drawings that they made with their own hands. Students of the group CAF-23-3 (lecturer O.G. Alekseeva) sang a song about thankfulness to the Motherland and presented a poster, where they depicted their concept of gratitude. Students of lecturer Zhakupova Sh.S. played kui on dombra as a sign of gratitude to their parents, and also expressed appreciation to the city of Karaganda by presenting a presentation. Students of group CAF-23-3 under the guidance of lecturer Sofyina I.I. presented a video clip where they expressed their gratitude to rescuers, doctors and firemen and called everyone to appreciate and respect their labour.

Special attention was paid to the mini-master class conducted by Fulbright Scholar Emmett Cashman. Here students could not only show their creative individuality by creating cards with their own hands, but also fill them with words of gratitude addressed to their loved ones. This was not only a unique way of expressing gratitude, but also an important step in creating a strong bond between the participants and their surroundings.

At the end of the event, all participants were awarded certificates in various categories, a well-deserved acknowledgement of their talent and dedication to gratitude and creativity.

Events such as the World Full of Miracles creative competition remind us of the importance of recognising and expressing gratitude in everyday life. They encourage us to appreciate not only our accomplishments, but those around us, and inspire us to creatively express that appreciation in everything we do.

Responsible teachers: Isina N.T., Zhakupova Sh.S., Alekseeva O.G., Mauletova S.K., Sofyina I.I.
