Faculty of distance learning

Welcome to the Faculty of Distance Learning!

FDL is a high-quality educational service at the level of the requirements of the XXI century.

The faculty provides education in 26 undergraduate majors, covering the areas of “Engineering science and technology,” “Social sciences and Business”, “Services” for rapid and short educational programs.

On learning in program with 3 years educational taken college graduates (technical) with secondary vocational education corresponding to the chosen specialty undergraduate degree.

Abbreviated program for a period of training 2 years has been implemented for specialists with higher professional education.

Educational and methodical work in the faculty carried out in complete accordance with the regulations RK and coordinated by Academical Council of the University.

For the all specialties learning process is implemented by using Distance Learning Technologies, which are based on deliberate and controlled by intensive self-study student who can learn in a comfortable place and at a convenient time, observing the rules of training.

Organizing and conducting classes by highly qualified professors, lecturers and teachers, and producing educational departments of the University.

Faculty students have free access to the collections of libraries, the Wi-Fi Internet, use the services of reading rooms and computer classes.

After successfully defending his master s work for students issued a state diploma with the qualification Bachelor of allowing to continue their studies in Master s degree.
