With the aim of consolidating the scientific community, educators, students, postgraduates and young scientists for the solution of actual problems of higher education, fundamental and applied science for the introduction of scientific achievements into the practice Center “Logos” invites you to take part in international scientific conferences, and to publish the results of your scientific papers in journals and monographs.
International scientific correspondence conference (RSCI)
- V international scientific-practical conference (ISPC) “Problems and prospects of modern science” The deadline for materials till March 30.
- VI ISPC “Modernization of modern society: problems and ways of development and prospects”. The deadline for materials till March 27.
- VI ISPC “Psychology and pedagogy” The deadline for materials till March 27
- VI ISPC “Economics today: problems and solutions”. The deadline for materials till March 27.
- IV ISPC “Contemporary society: problems, ideas, innovation”. The deadline for materials till April 20
- II ISPC “Strategies and trends of modern education”. The deadline for materials till April 20
- VI ISPC “Problems and prospects of modern science”. The deadline for materials till April 24
- III ISPC “Science. Education. Personality” The deadline for materials till April 27
- I ISPC “Economics, management and Finance in Russia and abroad” The deadline for materials till April 27
- I ISPC “Humanitarian and social science: experience, problems, prospects” The deadline for materials till April 27
- I ISPC “Natural and technical Sciences: experience, problems, prospects” The deadline for materials till April 27
For the April conferences is possible extension of the deadline for receipt of materials. All of the conference is included in the Russian science citation index.
Collection of scientific works (RSCI)
- Problems of modern science (issue 16) the Deadline for receipt of materials March 30, 2015
- Problems of modern science (issue 17) the Deadline for receipt of materials April 27, 2015.
Publications are included in the Russian science citation index. Possible extension of the deadline for receipt of materials.
Team monographs (RSCI)
- MODERN SCIENCE – For SOCIETY of the XXI CENTURY Special monograph series (edition hardcover) deadline for receipt of materials April 20
- Education in the XXI century: problems and prospects. Book 1 (MW) deadline for receipt of materials April 20
- Topical issues of modern society. Book 1 (MAV) the deadline for receipt of materials April 20
- The economics of the XXI century: new realities and prospects. Book 1 (MRR) the deadline for receipt of materials by April 20
Publications are included in the Russian science citation index. The deadlines for receipt of materials will be extended.
CNS “Logo” offers scientific and pedagogical community services for the publication of monographs in all scientific fields and specialties. For publication, the authors should provide the text of the monograph, abstract and a completed application.
The date of publication monograph – 2 months from the time of the author’s applying. The publication fee is determined individually depending on the “complexity” of the text (formulas, tables, figures), monographs volume, circulation and urgency.
Details: http://srclickpro.ru/click/c0ieMt43G288uU6.
Publishing services
Center “Logos” offers the following services:
- the publication of monographs (with the possibility of placing publications in the Russian science citation index);
- the publication of the conference proceedings (with the possibility of placing publications in the Russian science citation index);
- the publication of textbooks, manuals, guidelines;
- prepress edition (layout, artwork, design publications);
- the production of electronic publications (conferences, monographs, textbooks), with registration in the Scope;
- placement of publications in scientometric database RSCI.
Details: http://srclickpro.ru/click/c0ieMt43G288uU9.
Contact information
Detailed information can be found on the website of the Publishing house “Logo”: CENTER-LOGO.The Russian Federation
Contact phone: 8-988-103-49-51, Movsesian Lina Sergeevna, e-mail: logos.centr@mail.ru the center is the logo.of the Russian Federation.
For additional information contact the International relations department (main building, room 309a).