Competition «Best young metrologist of 2014»

The Committee of technical regulation and Metrology of Ministry of industry and new technologies of Kazakhstan announces about conducting the competition «Best young metrologist of 2014»

We invite young scientists (not older than 35 years), metrological services, higher educational institutions, scientific and other organizations operating in the field of metrological activity, having higher education and students-graduates of higher educational institutions take part in the Competition.

To participate in Competition scientific works are directed on the following topics:

1) General and legal Metrology;

2) Theory of measurements;

3) standards and instruments;

4) research in the field of physical, chemical measurements and other types of measurements;

5) information technologies and systems.

The competition is held in two stages: stage 1 – assessment of the presented scientific works of the Commission, 2 stage – hearing Commission of the speeches of the candidates, passed the first stage of the competition, presented scientific works.

According to the results of the contest to determine the winner, who awarded the title of «Best young metrologist of 2014», and prizewinners, who took second and third places.

The winner of the Competition is awarded a diploma of the first degree, a valuable gift and an opportunity to present Kazakhstan in the regional competition «Best young metrologist of COOMET», winners of Competition are awarded by diplomas of the second and the third degree.

Summing up the contest and awarding ceremony held at the events organized in celebration of the world day of Metrology 20 may 2014.

For participation in competition to address of organizer will send the following documents:

1) application for participation in the form of Annex 1 of the Rules of the competition «Best young metrologist of the year» (hereinafter – the Rules) (see сайт,, section «news»);

2) two copies of the report, the Kazakh or Russian language, designed in accordance with the requirements according to Annex 2 of the Rules and electronic version of the report;

3) information about the scientific and practical activity of the party;

4) the recommendation of the head of the organization or of the structural unit of the organization of participation in the Contest;

5) expert the conclusion of the academic Council or of the Commission of the organization of the possibility of the publication of the report in the open press.


Documents for participation in the competition are accepted until March 1, 2014 at the address: 010000 Astana city, Orynbor street, 11, Reference center, Committee for technical regulation and Metrology of Ministry of industry and new technologies of Kazakhstan.

For more information please call: (7172) 79-32-83, 79-32-84 Fax: 44-64-35, e-mail:
