Relevant and useful information in science, research and innovation
Clarivate Analytics — a new name
On 10 January 2017, we officially announced our new brand Clarivate Analytics. We talk about how the name appeared and what are the priorities facing us in the new year.
Top 100 Global Innovators
We present to your attention report “2016 Top 100 Global Innovators” based on the analysis of data on patents and citations from the solution Clarivate Analytics – Derwent World Patents Index (DWPI), Thomson Innovation и Derwent Patent Citations Index (PCI).
Event of Clarivate Analytics
in Samara, 14February
If you participate in the next conference of the Project 5-100, which will be held in Samara, be sure to plan time to become a member of the evening with Clarivate Analytics, which will be held prior to the conference.
14 February, 19:00 — 21:00 Holiday Inn Samara Registration
Free webinars
We invite you to participate in the next series of online seminars devoted to the work with platform Web of Science and other resources for research activities, which will be held from 13 to 22 February 2017.
Highly cited scientists of Russia
On 8 December 2016, Clarivate Analytics company awarded the most influential Russian scientists and research organisations.
We begin to acquaint you with the scientists who were included in the list of highly cited authors of Russia in 2016.