
The science Committee of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan announces the acceptance of reports on research work done by the end of 2015 within the grant and program-targeted funding. You must submit reports (final Read more …


Changes in Rules of granting of innovative grants

According to the Ministry of investments and development of Republic of Kazakhstan dated 18.09.2015  amended the Rules for provision of innovation grants for technology commercialization JSC “NATD” Download rules of providing innovation grants


Internal academic mobility

Students from the universities of Kazakhstan  training in KSTU  in the autumn semester of the 2014-2015 academic year  In the autumn semester of the 2014-2015 academic year under the program of ACADEMIC MOBILITY  in Karaganda state technical University study:


Engineer center for development website

Zhunusov Maksat Tleuhanovich Contact details: Karaganda, Boulevard Mira 56, main building, room 203. Contact phone: +7 (7212) 56-03-28 (вн.11-25), +7 707 923-06-50 (WhatsApp) E-mail: Bibliographic data: born in Karaganda 24 may 1989. Education: College of  Business, Economics and Law from 2006 to 2009 Read more …


Business Club of

Karaganda State Technical University In the framework of implementing the priority tasks set by the head of the state N.A. Nazarbayev in the “Strategy 2050” was established Business Club of Karaganda State Technical University, its aim is to increase financial Read more …
