
Our pride In 1958 the faculty of KarPTI was awarded a government award “commemorative red flag” Communist Party of Kazakhstan and the Kazakh SSR Council of Ministers for success in work. In 1964, for success in carrying out cleaning virgin Read more …


Resume of governing body

HR Department   Suleev Bakhtiyar Acting Director of the Department of Science and Innovation, PhD. In 2010 he graduated from Karaganda State Technical University, specialty 5B071300 «Transport, transport equipment and technologies» with the award of the academic degree «Bachelor of Read more …


Educational- Methodical Department

Director of Educational-Methodological Department Educational Process Department Department for development of the Bologna process Department of educational-methodical work Regulation on academic policy POSITION on the ranking of the faculty of RSE on REJ «Karaganda State Technical University»  Guidelines for the Read more …



Attention! Committee On Consumer Protection of Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan announces a competition for scientific research in the framework of program-oriented funding for 2017-2019. Tender documentation Requirements Detailed information can be obtained from Department of Read more …



Attention! Committee on Consumer Protection of Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan announces a competition for scientific research in the framework of program-oriented funding for 2017-2019. Detailed information can be obtained from Department of Science (main building, Read more …



Attention! On 13-14 April 2017,  M.Kh. Dulati Taraz State University invites you to take part in the VIII Republican student subject Olympiad on specialty 5В071900-Automation and control. Detailed information can be obtained from Department of science (main building, room  226, Read more …



Attention! 6 April and 13 April 2017, M.Tynyshbayev Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications holds the II stage of the Republican subject Olympiad among students of higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan. Recommendations Program of Olympiad OPDET Program of Olympiad BZhD Read more …



Administration  Academic Secretary  Vice-rector for Educational and Methodical Affairs Assembly hall  Accounting  The Department of Public Procurement  The Personnel Department  Student Department  Library 1st floor  Library 2nd floor  Engineering profile laboratory  Working professions center
