University’s awards

Награды университета

In 1958 KarPTI staff was awarded first time with governmental award “Memorable red banner” CC CP of Kazakhstan and Council of Ministries KazSSR for success in work. In 1964 institute was awarded “Memorable Red Banner” CC CP of Kazakhstan and Read more …


«History of KSTU»

История КарГТУ

Exposition of the museum is a kind of history chronicle of University establishment and development since 1953 till our days. History of university creation goes in the yearly ages of the Great Patriotic War. Those years many scientific-research institutes including Read more …



  Educational work of University The strategic goal of educational work and youth policy consists in implementation of priorities and the creation of conditions for formation of Kazakhstan patriotism, citizenship, tolerance, spiritually-moral, physically healthy, socially active personality. The solution of Read more …


Saginov innovation exhibition

Exhibition “Innovations in education and science” named after academician of NAS RK A.S.saginov is situated in foyer of the main building. Opening of exhibition was within the scale of integrated programme of university development on realization of strategic objectives, defined Read more …


Mineral deposits

Mineral deposits – are mineral formations in the Earth’s crust chemical composition and physical properties that allow to use them effectively in the sphere of material production. Coal was the first fuel fossils used by man. It allowed to made Read more …



  This is the most numerous, and on structural and chemical structure – complex class. Minerals are  in weight up to 85% of the earth’s crust and rock constituent. The basic structural unit of silicates – are silicon-oxygenic tetrahedron, with Read more …



Calcite, its transparent kind – the Icelandic spar, dolomite, magnesite, aragonite, siderite, malachite (water carbonate). It is the salt of carbonic acid. Carbonates differ with light feature, low hardness (3-4), спайностью and reaction with hydrochloric acid (10-5%), the intensity of Read more …



They include quartz, rock crystal (transparent variety of quartz), morion (black quartz), cairngorm (smoky, transparent), amethyst (purple), chalcedony (hidden crystal variety), banded agate (chalcedony), flint (dirty chalcedony), opal (water oxide flint), corundum, Rubin (red variety of corundum), sapphire (blue variety Read more …
