“What? Where? When?”

Миниатюра Что Где Когда

Open Cup tournament  of Karaganda’s akim on sport-intellectual game “What? Where? When?”     November 18, 2012 Trade Union of students and undergraduates of KSTU «Zhas Orda», with support of Karaganda’s akimat and International Association of clubs «What? Where? When?», Read more …


Forum “Karaganda UN model”

Миниатюа ООН

November 10,  2012 from 09.00 to 18.00, in the main building of Karaganda State Technical University in 337, 339 lecture halls was held Forum «Karaganda UN Model». Karaganda State Technical University, KSTU Association of student organizations «Zhas Orda» organized Forum Read more …


Дебатный турнир


Debate tournament for Cup of Karaganda’s Akim October 20-21, 2012 in Karaganda State Technical University was held municipal debate tournament for Cup of Karaganda’s akim. Organizers of the tournament were trade union organization of students and undergraduates “Zhas Orda” together Read more …


Report on departure

Autumn international residential school of trade union leaders “Zhas Kanat”   Objective of departure –development of communication between active youth of Karaganda and trade union leaders of other countries and cities, to present students’ trade union of KSTU, to attract Read more …



June 28-30, 2012 was held summer meeting of youth leaders of Karaganda “FLY” on the base of rest house “Medic” in Karkaralinsk. The objective of meeting – development of communication between active youth of Karagnda, development of joint work projects, Read more …


Mr.KSTU – 2012

«Мистер КарГТУ-2012»

May 8, 2012 in Assembly Hall of KSTU was held contest Mr.KSTU – 2012. Participants from eight institutes took participation by one representative. Participants prepared hardly and rehearsed during the month. They competed in various disciplines as deflation, military-sport preparation, Read more …


“Available house-2020”

April 23 was round table on the theme “Available house-2020” by the message of the President. Representatives of the mass media “Nedvizhimost”, bank “Zhilstroisberbank”, JCS “Alliance Bank” teachers and students of KSTU took participation in it.


«Spring F.R.E.S.H. – 2012»

April 19- May 4 students of  KSTU Saguakassova Zhansulu, Shnaidmiller Marina, Bekbashev Syrym, Spanov Erbolat, Zhankin Aidar took part in educational course on International student ground «Spring F.R.E.S.H. – 2012» on base of St.Petersburg State Marine Technical University by Association Read more …
