September 17-18

September 17-18 set of meetings with going out on the nature were organized for 1 course trade-union organizers with the aim, to rally and introduce institutions’ activists. For first-year students were conducted several training sessions and games, and went on Read more …


Set connection!

Наладим связь

September 22 – 24 annual student quest-marathon under slogan “Set connection!” was held at KSTU, organized by the union of students and undergraduates “Zhas Orda”. Mobile operator Beeline came forward as a backer of the marathon. Main participants in this Read more …


Autumn F.R.E.S.H – 2011

September 12-20 3 activists of KSTU union of students and undergraduates “Zhas Orda” (Ospanov Timur, Orazbekova Dinara, Amanzholova Akerke) participated in an educational course on the International Student ground “Autumn F.R.E.S.H – 2011” on the basis of Kazpotrebsoyuz Karaganda Economic Read more …



Trade union of students of Karaganda state technical university “ZhasOrda” Youth – is not our future, it is our present, that builds the future! It is especially important to consider that today’s university students is a totally unique human resource.And Read more …


“Debut of the first-year student”

“Debut of the first-year student” of Transport and Road Institute October 24, 2012 at 17.00 was held event “Debut of the first-year student” among groups of the first-year students of Transport and Road Institute. “Debut of the first-year student” is Read more …


Meeting with Olzhas Suleymenov

Meeting with Olzhas Suleymenov was held in Karaganda October 14, 2012 was held meeting with famous Kazakhstani poet, literary scholar, people’s writer of Kazakhstan, holder of the title “Person of the XXI century”, President of International movement against nuclear weapon, Read more …


Встреча студентов КарГТУ c сотрудниками правоохранительных органов

Встреча студентов КарГТУ c сотрудниками правоохранительных органов 10 октября 2012 года в 15:00 в дворце молодежи «Жастар Әлемі» была проведена встреча студентов первых курсов с сотрудниками правоохранительных органов. Целью встречи была профилактика правонарушений среди молодежи. Оснавной задачей являлось информирование о Read more …


September 1

September 1, 2012 was solemn meeting dedicated to the Knowledge day and Day of Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the square in front of Main building of KSTU. Rector of KSTU, academician NAS of the RK A.M.Gazaliyev, first Read more …


Events for the 2011-2012 school year

Департамент молодежной политики 1 сентября на площади перед Главным корпусом КарГТУ состоялось торжественное собрание, посвященное Дню Знаний и Дню Конституции Республики Казахстан. Начало мероприятия – 9.00 часов. С приветственнымсловом к первокурсникам обратился ректор КарГТУ А.М. Газалиев, также в программе выступления Read more …
