BR24993020 «Development and implementation of technology for the production of complex-alloyed steels with homogeneous structure due to synergistic effects on the melt» – s.r. Issagulov A.Z. BR24992803 «Development of rational technology for mining operations based on the impact on the technogenic Read more …
Information on projects of state budget financing of young scientists for 2024-2026.
Имашев Низаметдинов Халикова
Information of state budget projects for 2024-2026
Аринова Ганюков Жетесова Исагулов Кажикенова Мусин Пак
Information on program-targeted financing
BR21882240 “Creation of quasi-high-entropy alloy using Kazakhstani raw materials and technology of production of precision parts on its basis” – p.m. Issagulov A.Z. Исагулов А.З.
Information on projects of state budget financing of young scientists for 2023-2025.
Жаркевич Исагулова Д.А. Мусаев М.М. Хусан Б.
Information of state budget projects “Zhas Galym”-4 for 2023-2025
Хуанган Н Байдюсенов Г.Н. Доненбаев Б. Есиркепова А
Information on state budget financing projects for young scientists in the project «Zhas Galym» – 3 for 2022-2024.
Сведения Ковалева Т.В. Сарсембеков Б.К.
Information of state budget projects for 2023-2025
Андреященко Джантасова Д.Д. Пак Ю.Н. Сайлауқызы Ж. Таранов А.В. Таханов Д.К. Томилов А.Н. Шорманбаева Д.Г. Юрченко В.В.
Projects information of the young scientists’ public financing for 2021-2023
AR09058350 «Development and implementation of technology for the production of chromium antifriction cast iron for parts of mining equipment» s.w. Shcherbakova E.P. Relevance A number of parts for mining equipment are made from chromium cast iron. Despite the significant Read more …
Information of the state budget funding projects for 2022-2024 with execution period of 30 months
Абаева Н.Ф. Балабаев О.Т. Имашев А.Ж. Исатаева Ф.М. Нешина Е.Г.