Students of KSTU visited the Polygon of the Karaganda technical hub of local networks of Kazakhtelecom JSC and Kaztsentrelectroprovod, where the company’s specialists conducted a sightseeing tour for them

  16.04.2019  students of RT-17-sr group visited ATS-74,the Landfill of Karaganda technical node of local networks of Kazakhtelecom JSC, located at the address of Stroiteley street 4. Mentor Rakhmankulov R. acquainted students with the polygon and gave a lecture about Read more …


Republican student scientific conference “Contribution of youth science to the implementation of the Strategy “Kazakhstan-2050”, dedicated to the 120th anniversary of S. Seifullin Satpayev and the Year of youth in the Republic of Kazakhstan was held at the University on April 11-12, 2019.

The session of the 4th section “Information and communication technologies” was held in 418 auditoriums of the 4th building. Chairman of the section- Mehtiyev A. D., head of the Department of CST. Students and undergraduates actively participated in the meeting Read more …
