International Winter Schools from Unesco! Summer and winter schools are a modern format of short–term educational programs aimed at mastering additional professional competencies by students.

International summer and winter schools have been implemented at the University of Mines since 2018, with the support of the International Center under the auspices of UNESCO – since 2019. Over 5 years, 2,470 students, postgraduates and university staff have Read more …



April 13, 2022 among 1st year students Karaganda Technical University named after Abylkas Saginov The winners of the Physics Olympiad among 1st year students of KarTU are: in the state study language: 1st place Maratova Aigerim, the group ISS 22-2 Read more …


Subject Olympiad

On April 13, 2022 on the basis of the Department of Physics of the National Technical University “Karaganda Technical University named after Abylkas Saginov” held a subject Olympiad in physics among 1st and 2nd year students. The purpose of the Read more …


On April 8, 2021, a meeting of section No. 10 was held “Natural sciences” of the Republican student scientific conference “The contribution of youth science to the implementation of the Strategy” Kazakhstan-2050 “

The presented reports were novel in a wide range of topical directions in the field of physics and its practical significance. Based on the results of the discussion, the following were recommended for awarding: 1st place – Aldakul Esenbek Kuanyshbekuly, Read more …


On April 14. 2020g. as part of the implementation of the “Spiritual perfection” program, an online round table was held at the Department of Physics in the groups PET-19-1, PET-19sk. on the topic “State symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan” dedicated to state symbols and the 25th anniversary of the Constitution

All 26 students actively participated in the discussion of state symbols, as one of the integral attributes of any state, embodying its identity and sovereignty.    
