Curator hours

A schedule of the curator hours for the autumn semester 2013-2014 academic year № Students group Curator Days of the week Time Date Classroom 1 G&K-12-1 Zh. Batyrshaeva Friday 9.55-10.45 06.09.2013 411 2 G&K -12-2 D. Ozhigin Thursday 15.05-15.55 19.09.2013 Read more …


Educational process

The organization of the educational process in NJSC “Karaganda Technical University named after Abylkas Saginov” is carried out in accordance with the following regulatory documents: Regulations on the Academic Policy of NAO “Karaganda Technical University named after Abylkas Saginov” ( Read more …


Our graduates

  Shigaev Timur Geroevich Candidate of technical sciences, associate professor. Graduated from CPTI in 1973. He occupied the position of head of the department “technology and Equipment of welding production” from 1986 to 2004.     Bartenev Igor Anatoljevich Candidate Read more …
