PONOMAREVA MARINA VIKTOROVNA Head of the Department, Сandidate of Technical Sciences She graduated with a degree KarPtI “Geophysical methods of prospecting and mineral exploration.” Teaches courses on subjects’ interpretation of the results GMRW “,” Petrophysics “. Published 60 scientific and educational Read more …
The department of “Geophysics and geology”
Academic process
Educational work
International cooperation
Head CV
Our graduates
Karaganda State Technical University, the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev (KSTU), which is one of the oldest and most famous universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, preserves and reaffirms its leading position in training, research and scientific-pedagogical personnel for all industries, including geophysics
In accordance with the new concept of education in which universities have moved all of Kazakhstan, at the Department of Geophysics, Mining faculty training is conducted with a degree Bachelor 5B070600 “Geology and Exploration of Mineral Deposits” and graduate 6M074700 “Geophysical methods of prospecting and exploration of the mineral deposit.”
The aim of the department is the preparation and publication of highly skilled and sought-after training for geophysical, oil and gas industry, research and design institutions, colleges and universities are ready immediately after the completion of the training involved in the production cycle.
The objective is to ensure that the department of teaching disciplines with the latest technology to-date production, science and technology.
Head’s CV
Talerchik Marina Petrovna Head of the Department “Geology and geophysics” Talerchik Marina Petrovna graduated from the Karagandy state technical university with degree “Geophysical methods of prospecting and exploration” in 2002. In 2003 she graduated from magistracy at KSTU with degree Read more …
Scientific works
LIST OF SCIENTIFIC AND SCIENTIFIC-METHODICAL WORKS № Name Kind of work Publishing house, magazine (name, number, year) Volume, p.p. Surnames of coauthors 1 Совершенствование методики оперативного контроля сернистости углей Printing Материалы X Межд. конф. «Природные и интеллектуальные ресурсы Сибири», Кемерово, Read more …
Geophysical Methods Exploration Department was established in 1962 in Kazakh Polytechnic Institute in Rudny. In 1969 was transferred to the Karaganda Polytechnic Institute, where he started training of mining engineers, geophysicists of specialty ‘Geophysical methods of prospecting and mineral exploration’. Read more …
The chair “Geophysical methods of searches and investigation of mineral deposits” is on B.Zhyrau’s avenue, 56 (the second educational case), 108 audience. Contact phones: 8(7212) 565929, 8(7212) 567598 (internal 2037). E-mail: Ponomareva M.V. m.ponomareva@kstu.kz Pak U.N. yu.pak@kstu.kz Portnov V.S. v.portnov@kstu.kz Read more …
The Plan of scientific and research work of the department «Geophysical methods of search and exploration of mineral deposits» in the 2013-2014 academic year Activity Deadlines Responsible head Marks of completion 1. Fulfillment of scientific research work 1.1 Higher school Read more …
The curators of the Department
1. GPR -10-1 Tokusheva J. T. 2. GPR -10-3 Zhelaeva N.V. 3. GPR -11-1 Kantarbaeva M. S. 4. GPR -11-2 Talerchik M.P. 5. GPR -12-1 Elshin A.B. 6. GPR -12-3 Pak D.Y. 7. GPR -13-2 Parafilova R.U. The senior curator of Read more …
Plans curatorial hours
THE CALENDAR SCHEDULE Curator hours for first-year students on a theme «A role of the person of the President of Republic Kazakhstan In forming of the Kazakhstan patriotism » (GPR-13-2, curator Parafilova R.U.) № The name of curator hours Week Read more …
The best students
Aukeshev Bekasyl Kapbasovich GPR-08-1 Actively participates in chair life. Is engaged in scientific activity. Participates in the Olympic Games, and also in the International and Interuniversity conferences. The honors pupil of study. Takes part in sports life of chair. Lubinets Read more …
Edicational work
Educational work in the department is closely connected with the educational process and is conducted in order to create a full-fledged social and educational environment conducive to the education of highly moral, spiritually and physically healthy personality. The department developed Read more …